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"Thank you so much for coming to our daughter's rescue, Ms. Kamisato. We hope to be with our daughter as soon as we land. I have sent a sum of money to your bank as compensation for all the help you've given us. Have a good day."

"Have a good day as well, Mrs. (L/n)," Ayaka said politely before she ended the call.

She turned to the blond boy who sat on a waiting chair, holding an ice pack to his cheek. She had always looked up to him. But sometimes, the things he did was so baffling to her that she could not help but question him.

She took a seat next to him, making sure to maintain a considerable amount of distance. He rejected her and she didn't want him to feel like she'd take advantage of his vulnerability.

"Can I ask...? Why don't you want them to know you were actually the one that took Zandik down?" She asked. "I mean, it already seems farfetched enough to give the credit to me... I didn't look like I came from a fight at all."

"You take fencing classes, Ayaka," Aether said, looking away. "You beating the crap out of him is still far more believable than me."

"Fencing classes have nothing to do with fistfighting," Ayaka said. "And if anyone saw how you jumped into that fight, weaponless, they'd be in awe. What's wrong with letting everyone know about your heroic deed?"

"In awe but putting (Y/n)'s life in even more danger." Aether bit his lip. "She's already in the ICU and in critical condition. I don't want to make things worse for her."

"How would you put her life in even more danger?"

"Did you not hear about that time two guys almost beat her up?"

Ayaka's eyes widened. She knew some terrible things have been circulating lately, but for physical threats such as this? She truly wondered what Zandik had done to have everyone's hate be directed towards (Y/n).

"...Alright, fine." She sighed. "But only because I agree with your perspective just a little. Your shoulder, however-"

"It's fine, I can treat it at home," Aether cut her off, scooting away just in case she attempted to look at it. "The cut wasn't that deep."

"Wasn't that deep?" Ayaka looked at him in disbelief. "Aether, you were stabbed by a knife-!"

"Ayaka." Aether looked at her sternly, a sign for her to shut up. "It's fine."

The door next to the benches they sat on opened with Kunikuzushi and a doctor leaving at once. After Kunikuzushi had rushed (Y/n) to the hospital, he was given the title of her temporary guardian until her parents arrived. Fortunately, he was knowledgeable about hospital documents and the procedures went by smoothly.

Kunikuzushi and the doctor exchanged a few more words before the doctor bid them goodbye.

Kunikuzushi turned to Aether and Ayaka. "She'll be fine. Fortunately, no organs were damaged when she got stabbed. Some tending to her wound and rest will do her good."

"Oh, archons, that's a relief." Ayaka sighed. "I was worried I had made the wrong decision in having her flee..."

"You were panicking. It was risky but it all turned out well," Kunikuzushi said. "No use worrying about what could've happened."

"Right." Ayaka nodded. "Either way, thank you for not turning a blind eye to (Y/n)'s state. Everyone says you're a heartless jerk to most people, but I guess they're wrong."

"No, they're right." Kunikuzushi shrugged. "But Zandik, (Y/n) and I have some history. Couldn't help but feel a little responsible, you know?"

"Doesn't explain why you went as far as to sprint all the way to the hospital with (Y/n) in your arms..." Aether muttered.

"It's because she was losing blood." Kunikuzushi glared at him. "Don't be getting any ideas, stupid. I'm personally shocked that you jumped at a psychopath so recklessly. Never knew you had it in you."

"It's because if I didn't, he would've hurt her even more!" Aether gritted his teeth.

"You could've thrown something at him, tugged his leg, pulled (Y/n) away or something... Zandik's weak, any of those could've stopped him," Kunikuzushi scoffed. "Admit it, you and I are the same." He looks him in the eye. "You're just afraid to admit it."

Aether's breath hitched as he stared back at him. It was scary how he knew exactly what Kunikuzushi meant.

"Admit what?" He said.

Kunikuzushi's mouth etched into a knowing smirk, almost daring him.

"Admit you have feelings for her?"

"Kunikuzushi, I don't think you should be pushing him about this right now—"

Aether got up almost immediately, fists clenched, breath held. "This is an inappropriate place to discuss things like this. I'm leaving now."

"There you are again, choosing to flight over fight," Kunikuzushi sighed. "Sometimes it irritates me so much how much of a pacifist you are. I'd much prefer it if you got up into my face and threatened to punch me."


"I mean look, it's so obvious he has so much more to say that he ignores the blood dripping down his shoulder." He gestured for Aether's wound which had already leaked through his black jacket. A single drop of blood fell to the ground... then another, and another.

"Look, I get that you hate me and would rather leave than spend another minute with me, but an infection might spread and you'd need to have your arm amputated." Kunikuzushi shrugs. "The choice is yours, Zeus."

Aether grits his teeth before turning back. He planned to keep the severity of his wound to himself, but now that Kunikuzushi had pointed it out, he was sure Ayaka would chase him down and make him go back anyway.

"Help me get treatment, Ayaka," he muttered. "Then I can properly deal with him after I'm all healed." He glared at Kunikuzushi.

"Oho, feisty." Kunikuzushi grinned.

Ayaka nodded in response, getting up and straightening her skirt. She took one last glance at Kunikuzushi and the hospital door before both she and Aether walked off.

As soon as the duo had gone off, Kunikuzushi dialed a number on his phone.

"Hello? Yes, I've finished signing the papers. I'll see you at the jail... Yeah, you can bring all of them except Tao. Don't need any more trouble. See you."

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