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Ayaka Kamisato, the perfect golden girl of Teyvat High. As she was born to a noble family with loving parents and a successful brother, it would have been more shocking to everyone if she did not succeed in life. She played the piano, the violin, and the harp. She excelled in school and did fencing. She modeled from time to time during summer breaks and was just absolutely gorgeous.

Living her life as the golden girl had its downsides. Other than the feelings of jealousy, she also received hate and backlash from people who thought she was just a privileged girl. They overlooked her efforts to get to where she was. Her family status may have given her a head start, but she had her fair share of struggles.

She was the target of most girls' jealousy. And just like them, she had her own target of jealousy.

Aether, Lumine's pretty twin brother, and Teyvat's golden boy. He had an infectious smile that could brighten everyone's day. He occupied his time helping anyone who was in need. But most of all, his sister always had his back.

Ayato was a wonderful brother to Ayaka, but he no longer lived with them as he went off to pursue his own career. She felt lonely. So lonely.

Eventually, Ayaka couldn't help but occasionally watch Aether about how his life went. Their lives were so similar yet... Different.

She baked, and he cooked. She fenced, and he played basketball. She liked to speak on stage, he preferred to speak to people face-to-face.

They were both adored, yet she was held in high regard and he was the popular one. People saw her as a role model, someone not within their reach. People saw him as a friend who they could reach out to at any time.

Then, there was (Y/n), a perfect combination of them both.

Ayaka didn't know if she despised her. (Y/n) was always lovely to her. She always lent her a hand and listened to her when she needed a friend. Whenever Ayaka cried by herself in the bathroom, (Y/n) was always there for her.

She was jealous of both (Y/n) and Aether, but she could never dislike them both for they were the nicest people she'd ever met.

She suppressed her jealousy. She suppressed her hurt from the way everyone treated her and Aether so differently. She didn't want to ruin anything for anyone, so she said nothing.

But eventually, the suppression of her emotions would soon become her downfall.

"Ayaka, just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean their actions should be justified," her brother once said.

"I'm sorry, brother, but I just can't..."


"So it was you who did this?" Albedo's voice echoed throughout the art room causing the white-haired girl to freeze in her spot.

She was in the middle of covering the suspicious painting up with a white cloth when the cold prince caught her in the act.

"You made this revolting painting, Ayaka?" The look of disappointment in his eyes made her shudder. She couldn't even begin to explain that the painting wasn't hers. She was merely a passerby, a passerby who was curious enough to have a look.

She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. She felt waves of anxiety and fear rush through her being, yet she could not speak.

Albedo marched over to her and snatched the white cloth out of her hand, revealing the newly completed painting of (Y/n) as a greek goddess. Unlike before, the painting was finally completed and much different than before. The red paint stank, and the subject of the painting's pose? Suggestive. It was much worse than Albedo had remembered.

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