Chapter 4~ LOL, this is awkward...

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HAIII GUYSS!! Lol. I actually hate when people say "hai" and "bai". Like seriously *throws a dictionary at some reindeer* oops. SORRY REINDEER!!! :P I hate it... but I say it too... lol. I'm an awkward child :3

LOL. ANYWAYS... if you wanna be in this unicorniful llamatastic story of mine, comment! :D I'll put u in! :DDD

Ok... wellll....




I was really confused at this point and we all ran out to greet the girl...

She got off her pegasus that had the name "ED SHEERAN" in super big letters on the side. I wondered "is that the pegasus's name...?" but didn't ask her. I had no idea what this girls name was! 

Emma started talking to her for a bit and then she opened the door. We were all crowded around the window so quickly we all ran back to the couch and tried to look normal. Ya it didn't work... but Emma and that random girl didn't seem to notice. 

Everyone sat down and we were all quiet for awhile. Finally, Emma said, "So guys I would like you to meet my new friend..." Me, Thalia and Nasimeh all jumped up, curious to see who it was. 

"This is Merna." She said. We all said "Hi, Merna!" and we talked about her pegasus.

"See, Ed here, was drinking some milk right? When SUDDENLY, OUT OF NOWHERE, he was just like LETTTTSSS GOOOOOO!! and told me to get on, so I was like "ok" and then he started flying and flying and BOOM! We landed on Emma's roof. He broke his foot." Merna explained. We all said, "ouch." because you know, breaking a foot is not fun. She also told us that her and her pegasus, Ed , were staying at Emma's house because Ed broke his foot and couldn't fly back to her house. 

"It hurt him just to fly off the roof. It would be SUPER BAD if he had to fly all the way back home." Merna added. Luckily, her pegasus had a doctor, Dr. Sparkles, that could come and fix her pegasus's foot. But he was really far away and it would take, like, days for him to come. 

I felt bad for Merna. Her pegasus's foot was broken. At least I didn't have to worry about that.... considering the only pet I had was a turtle.

The whole time Steve and Fred were playing on their electronic devices- Steve on his US3 and Fred on his iLlama. Like, THERE IS A PEGASUS OF YOUR OWN KIND WITH A BROKEN FOOT! YOU NEED TO COMFORT HIM! AHHH!!! GRR!!! But I didn't say that out loud... Nasimeh told me that Fred was sensitive. So I stole Fred's iLlama from him and told him he couldn't listen to "Don't You Worry Cria" until he went and helped Ed. And I told Steve that I would delete all of his progress on US3 if he didn't help Ed. I was so sensitive to their feelings! :D



Ow. My foot hurts. Merna says it's broken. 

She also said that I'm sleeping in this unicorn named Steve's room tonight. Apparently, Emma and Steve really lived here but Nasimeh and this llama Fred came over a lot. Thalia and Yssa the other girls were Emma's cousins. Merna had to explain this all to me, because when I came in I was all crazy from that milk. I guess milk has a.... negative.... effect on me. 

So this random creature came in Steve's room and said, "Hey Steve! Come look!" I heard galloping coming from the hallway and I saw a unicorn at the door. I guess that's Steve. Steve gasped and almost fainted, but the other thing (a llama, maybe? OH THATS FRED! Duh.) caught him just in time.

"What?" I said and Steve gave me a look like -_- He motioned with his head to what I was laying in:

A pile of blankets that said "PROPERTY OF STEVE THE UNICORN. DO NNOOTT TOUCH."

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