First Day

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Disclaimer: I Do not own Dragon ball, Dragon ball Z, Dragon ball GT, or Dragon ball Super, they are all owned by Akira Toriyama, Funimation, Toei Animation and Fuji TV, please show some love as this probably wouldn't exist without the official release being supported as much as it is.

"Kikoho!" Attack names

"Hey it's me Goku!" normal speech

"Doodoo doodoodoo imma chargin my attack" Thoughts

A/N: felt like the song fit the mood a bit, and will probably serve to be important to the story


Gohan P.O.V

Gohan felt a bit nervous about his first day, to be honest, he didn't know how to hang around other kids his age (considering most of his "friends" were his dad's friends). There was Lime as well as Mr. Lao, but he hasn't hung around them in quite a while since he wanted to train by himself, not to mention they couldn't keep up with his training when they tried joining him in his training schedule. He sighed as he landed a bit away from the front entrance to the city school, maybe he should turn back, learning to socialize with people that don't believe in Ki and view it as as trick can be scary, how is he supposed to fit in when he has the power to destroy the solar system, what if they found out he could use Ki, will they label him a fraud and trickster?

He didn't want to think too much about it, he knew he couldn't turn back now, he did promise his mother that he'd attend school to appease her worry that he won't get anywhere in life with him wanting to pursue teaching martial art's to others, to improve earth's defenses in case the dragon balls ever went inactive and the rest of the Z Warriors perished. He didn't want what happened to Trunk's timeline to happen to theirs. He sighed and began walking to Orange Star Middle school. It wasn't long before he reached the reception desk, he walked up to the lady at the reception desk "Good morning, my name is Son Gohan, I'm here to pick up my schedule and school badge", the lady turned to look at him for a sec before she typed away at her computer and printed something out "this'll be your schedule for the school year" she said as she stood up and walked to the back. Gohan looked down at his schedule and saw that his first class and homeroom period were with someone named Mr. Pencil and he taught History.

'Ugh great, I have history first thing in the morning' he thought as he waited for the receptionist to come back with his school badge that identified him as a student of Orange Star Middle School, 'well at least it shouldn't be anything I haven't already learned' Gohan turned to look outside the windows of the office, there were a bunch of students going to and from class, some stopping at some of the shops and buying food or some clothing as they most likely had a free period. Gohan looked back at where the receptionist had gone through to see her coming back his school badge "here's your school badge, make sure you're always wearing it to identify you as a student, should you lose it, you will have to pay a small fee to replace it, so make sure you always have it on you" she advised him, she began typing away at her computer once she sat down. Gohan took that as his cue to leave "thank you so much ma'am" he began walking away and on to the busy streets lined with students walking about or trying to get to class. Looking down at his schedule, he saw that Mr. Pencil's class was within the Social studies and History building, good thing he got a map of the school before leaving the office. Opening the map, he saw that the building he was supposed to go to was south of where he was, so he began heading in that direction, and after a couple of minutes of walking south, he arrived at the building.

Gohan entered the building looking for room number 2.105, and seeing as most of the rooms within the first floor were 1.100-1.120, he assumed he had to go up to the second floor where his class was most likely located. As he began his ascent up the stairs, he saw two student's walking about, one male and the other female, both of the students were blond, the male had long hair that he had slicked back, and the female student had her hair short, kinda how Bulma had it when he first met her, "h-hey, um, do you guys know where i can find room 2.105?" he asked them hoping they could point him in the right direction. The two students looked at Gohan before smiling "you must be the new student right?" asked the female student, Gohan nervously smiled, not used to speaking to others his age "y-yeah, my name's Son Gohan, what are your names?" the female student smiled before grabbing his arm and began leading him down the hall "My name's Erasa with an E, the grumpy meanie next to me is Sharpner, but between us, he's a big softie", the male student, now identified as Sharpner, looked at Erasa with embarrassment "H-hey who said I was a big softie" he retaliated back at her, Gohan laughed at the bantering between these two strangers.

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