Spin My Head Right 'Round, Right 'Round...

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Rarely, if ever, do we hear about workers getting injured at Disney or people, in general, for that matter (I'm not counting that week where Disneyland (Anaheim) was being monitored closely from a slight measles attack brought in by some idiot who- like half the parents of kids who are sick in grade school- decided to stop on in (or in the parents case- drop their diseased kids off at school) and spend a day in the most magical place on Earth). Okay, I have to address that before I get any further. One, what idiot brings their sick kid to school- or any public place for that matter?! Do they secretly want to get everyone else sick as some sick (literally) and twisted way of revenge on society? Two, the news throws tons of time and effort into a small measles outbreak when there is genocide and war going on out in the world- innocent people dying. Let's get real here people.

Wow, that was really off-topic. Sorry there, back to the actual point of this chapter. My point? Digging up old Disney crap is hard but rewarding. Why? Because you can find Debbie Stone.

Debbie Stone was an 18 year old high school graduate (an honor student too) who got a job at Disneyland (Anaheim) to help get funds for her new college education at Iowa State University. The year is 1974 and Disneyland was doing some re-vamping in order to keep public interest, since the same old Matterhorn (See later chapter) and coasters were starting to bore everyone to death. I mean it was fun, but they needed to mix it up every so often or it'll become just like (excuse me for bringing up an non-Disney reference...) Six Flags New Orleans. And yea... just no.

So why not take a classic and re-vamp the heck outta this thing? (Not actually what they thought but I'm referring to this like I was actually there and not.. Oh ya know, un-birthed) And so, they did.

Taking The Carousel of Progress, a Disney original since the 1964 World's Fair in New York City, and turning it into a all new themed attraction- all while leaving the structure and basis of the Carousel. Cue, America Sings! An all new ride that was developed from the old. Instead of having the typical American family and their lovely dog, America Sings! had various birds- lead by a bald eagle- teach the audience about the different eras of music the United States had gone through. The ride was quite successful- that is, for the first few years.

America Sings! opened on June 29th 1974, replacing the General Electric-sponsored Carousel of Progress (which was moved to the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, Florida during the year of 1973).

As stated by Wikipedia: 'America Sings used the same Carousel Theater that its predecessor vacated, with its outer ring of six theaters, all connected by divider walls, that revolved mechanically about every four minutes around the six fixed stages in the center of the building.'

The show differentiated from Carousel of Progress by not only content but that the Carousel rotated clock-wise and America Sings! rotated counterclockwise. A second difference is that Carousel used both levels of the Theater while America Sings! only used the lower level, leaving the upper level for other failed projects to circle through, such as the SuperSpeed Tunnel (which was later changed to the Game Grid from Tron) portion of the Peoplemover.

America Sings! is very much like Country Bear Jamboree, since they both were/are known for having singing audio-animatronic animals. The Masters of Ceremony were Sam the Eagle and an unnamed owl, of which some people have said its name may be Ollie.

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