The Story

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    I sat at tea cup table, simply a large teacup one would sit inside on a small ledge for a chair. It was meant for kids, so they couldn't escape during tea-and-cards time.

    I wasn't old enough yet to realize what a war was starting outside my little teacup walls. Being barely a toddler, I didn't recognize the harsh treatments that the king would give out, without a second thought afterward. I was in my own little bubble, or better said, tea-cup of innocence. I didn't know my father and older brother were being dragged off to face a horrible punishment for the crimes of the Charms, of which they were not part of. I didn't know that that simple fact, would have riled the Charms, would make them yell in anger, and one day I as well.

    My mother was sitting at the table, reading through all of the threats that come through the mail. They were more than a family would usually get, considering we were one of the close families to the royal family. They assumed us as turncoats, and, like the king, ignored our words to make them understand.

    She smirked when they accused her of being a Charmer, she thought of the other rich families as fools, she identified us as loyal, but still yet my brother and father were as guilty to her as the other families.

    You see, the rich families all saw themselves as greater than the others. If they could, they would see themselves as greater than the king and the royal family. They spat up on each other as they would a peasant who walked in hunger, tired, and looking for a new life. They all wanted to be at the top, that they didn't mind how hard you had to step to get ahead.

    She picked me up out of the cup as she finished her now daily reading of the threats. She simply handed me over to the nanny, as she started a pattern of only spending tea-and-cards time with me.

   As I grew, I learned more of these Charms, and why it was bad to be one. My mother was basically gone, and when I grew out of the nanny I was pretty much on my own. I wandered our acres of forest behind the house. I studied the life of the animals as one would with the pages of a book, and one rainy days the book would be studied.

   I grew alone until the day of my first ball.


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