Preserving the Corpse (it'll have to wait)

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Oikawa Tooru was beautiful, intelligent and the most untrustworthy abile in the whole of Asia, possibly even in the world. He had turned up in the criminal underworld, young and ready to cause havoc, a few months before Yahaba and Kyoutani had started causing a stir together.

He had loyal contacts and two nearly identical twins, who'd guard his library and secrets with their life. There were rumours that Oikawa would rather die than let his library be harmed. Most people would tell you they were true. Kyoutani could tell you that they were false; Oikawa was far too vain and far too powerful to let anything bad happen to either.

Despite being more feared than a horde of tarrasques – and more likely to kill you – Oikawa Tooru lived 'humbly' on the centre floor of one of the only block of flats in Odaiba. His apartment was filled with items of good taste and expensive brands, designed for comfort, practicality and appearance. The only other inhabitants lived on the floors above, except for the penthouse apartment – Oikawa had bought that long before. The rest of the lower floors were used for his library.

The Library of Oikawa Tooru used up six floors and twelve apartments. The abile had bought them all and paid for the insane renovations, even instructing one team to make him a basement that wasn't in the original building plan, for him to keep his cars and deal with difficult 'patrons'. The library was filled with rare books, staffs and objects, many of them being the only copy in the world, and it was visited by thousands of magical people from across the globe.

When Kyoutani got out of Yahaba's car, with a black beanie over his head, he really wanted to just climb back in and get Yahaba to drive back to Sendai. If anyone could hate Oikawa, Kyoutani definitely did.

"Nice to see the bastard still doesn't let us use his private garage," He grumbled, swinging the passenger door shut and leaning on the roof of the Bentley.

Yahaba shot him a stern glare. "Don't lean on my car, idiot. And there's a reason it's a private garage, y'know."

Kyoutani rolled his eyes, propping his elbow up on the roof of the Bentley so he could rest his head in his hand. "Does he know we're visiting him today?"

"I haven't told him, if that's what you're asking. I don't usually tell him when I'm popping by."

The abile nodded, with a hum. "Alright. Did he even know I was coming back?"

"Not through me," Yahaba said. "I didn't know you were coming back until... Well, I didn't even know you were back before I saw you die and, after that, I was pretty busy preparing the ritual."

"Nice. I can surprise him, for once," Kyoutani got off the car, smiling.

Yahaba made a face. "You really don't need to try one-up him every time. It's humiliating."


"Because this is Oikawa Tooru. And you're you."

Kyoutani nodded. "You're right. I've probably destroyed his ego with the number of times he's lost to me."

Yahaba sighed, locking the car. "You're delusional. C'mon." He beckoned as he walked over to the building, confidence filling his every step. Kyoutani followed behind, with an angry glare on his face, hands stuffed in his pockets as he made sure anyone looking would know he didn't want to be here.

The pair reached the front steps of the apartment blocks and Yahaba gently rested his thumb on the keyhole. There was a pause, then a pale pink flash from the lock and the doors unlocked.

Kyoutani arched an eyebrow. "Are we breaking in?"

"No. It's a symbol that lets magical people with harmless intentions enter without the need of a key. It was to make his library more accessible." Yahaba smiled. "Genius, isn't it?"

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