An Appointment For The Dead

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Yahaba didn't talk much in the elevator. Actually, he didn't talk at all. He leaned against the wall, keeping his eyes on his shoes, and leaving Kyoutani to sit in the silence. It was not a nice silence to sit in. Kyoutani didn't even attempt starting a conversation; it probably wouldn't end well, not with Yahaba in this mood.

So, instead, the abile hummed quietly along to the music in the background and watched the buttons light up as they went down through the floors. When they reached the lobby, Atsumu and Osamu emerged from wherever they'd been hiding.

"Didn't visit the library, did ya?" Osamu asked, glimpsing over their pockets carefully.

"Nice symbols, I've got one like that," Atsumu commented, pointing at the back of Kyoutani's hands.

Yahaba narrowed his eyes. "We can't stay," He muttered quietly. "We've got to get back to Sendai."

Kyoutani nudged Yahaba's shoulder, in an attempt to be reassuring. The twins glanced at each other. "Well... If you have to go, I guess..." Atsumu said, seeming disappointed.

"Did you get your preservation symbol?" Osamu asked.

Kyoutani flashed them his neck. "Nope."

Yahaba tensed. "Kyouken, let's just go. Looks like I'll be early to my meeting after all."

Atsumu held open the door for them. "You'll visit soon, right? I wanna catch up eventually."

"We'll see," the Sanctuary officers chorused.

Yahaba walked out first, fists clenched inside his jacket pockets. He didn't look angry, just upset and stressed. Kyoutani was terrible at dealing with him in this mood, so he only followed behind wordlessly, scratching at his ear out of loss for what to do with his hands.

"Look, I'll last two days," He said abruptly, stepping into pace beside Yahaba. "If I've got a week, I should only start decaying on day six and seven, right? Two days will be cutting it close, I guess, but it'll be okay."

Yahaba slouched a little. "I hope so... And you're right. You're not decaying yet, huh?"

Kyoutani smiled, about to answer, when he heard someone gag behind him and he turned around to see Atsumu pinching something flat and long between his fingers and Osamu struggling not to vomit.

"Hey, Kyoutani," Atsumu said, eyes fixated on whatever was between his fingers. "You dropped this."

The blond twin handed him a left ear. His left ear. Kyoutani gaped at it and raised his spare hand to his head. His fingers brushed against a hole.

"That's my ear," He observed.

"Already?" Yahaba had turned paler than usual. "That can't be right. That- that can't be right, you have six days left; you can't be decaying already!"

Kyoutani stared at his ear dumbly. "Yahaba, I lost my ear."

"Yes, yes, I know! Shit!" Yahaba spun on his heel, running his gloved hands through his silver hair. "I should've gotten Oikawa-sama to look at that fucking knife; he could've warned me! I jinxed it, didn't I? Shit!"

The zombie clenched his hand around his ear, narrowing his eyes. "Hiro-whatever, you fucking idiot. Of course he can't carve proper symbols..."

"Some fucking necromancer-! Argh, fuck!" Yahaba kicked the door Atsumu was standing by hard, making the blond jump back in fright. The carnamancer turned to Kyoutani. "Get to the Bentley. I'm fixing your ear and then we're getting back to Sendai."

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