A Fight To (No One's) Death

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Yahaba had been waiting for him before the steps of the Sanctuary, yawning widely and leaning on a pillar near an unmoving Guardian as he approached. "Hey, Kyouken," He greeted. "Ready for a good night's sleep?"

"I can't sleep," Kyoutani answered. "But you look like you need one."

The carnamancer grumbled a little, slouching his shoulders as he began the long descent down the stairs. "At the meeting, everyone just kept asking me questions. Like, half of them stormed the cultist base with me when you died but they all just needed my input. I get it, I'm incredible; but, really, there were other capable people who hadn't spent over eight hours driving an ungrateful zombie around."

"I was hardly ungrateful! Oikawa just is not my favourite person!"

"And who is your favourite person? Watari?"

"No, Iwaizumi-san for sure. Watari's dull."

Yahaba snorted. "And Iwaizumi isn't?"

Kyoutani nodded, with a slightly mockful expression of awe. "He's unaffected by Oikawa's symbols. That makes him way more interesting than Watari."

"Fair point, fair point." Yahaba smiled. "My favourite person's Oikawa-sama."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shove you down these stairs and break all your bones."

Yahaba's smile turned to an evil grin. "Because I'm driving you home?"

"Your reason is acceptable – you can continue to exist."

The potente laughed. "You know, I bet that if I actually pushed you down these stairs, you'd be fine."

"Oh, gods, please don't test that out."

Yahaba laughed again, continuing to walk down the steps. Kyoutani followed, sticking his hands in his pockets. The rest of their descent was quiet enough and it forced Kyoutani to block Shirabu's warnings from his head. He was wrong; he had to be. There was nothing wrong with Yahaba. He'd have noticed that by now. He always used to. Of course, it wouldn't be any different now.

The zombie reached the bottom of the steps before his partner, kicking his trainers on the pavement. "Hey, can I have your laptop tonight, or something?" He asked up at Yahaba, who was checking messages on his phone.

"Hmm? Why?"

"There's not much to do when you're asleep and I can't. Give me your laptop and some earbuds, then I can occupy myself. Y'know?"

The carnamancer hummed again. "Don't see why not... Just don't watch any crappy stuff on Netflix."

Kyoutani smirked. "What? Afraid you'll see something other than K-Dramas?"

Yahaba looked up from his phone, pointing a threatening finger at him. "Don't you ever insult the beautiful world of K-Dramas."

"C'mon, Yahaba, there's way better stuff out there. Western TV is great, y'know. Oh, I saw this really good show; I think it was from Switzerland. You should totally watch it!"

Yahaba made a face. "Kyouken, there is nothing in this world better than K-Dramas. Except maybe me. You will not be able to convince me otherwise."

"Ugh, c'mon! Just watch something different! How bad can it be, huh?"

He pouted, slipping his phone into his pocket and finally reaching the pavement next to Kyoutani. "Well, the last time I watched something you recommended me, it was a horror anime! That scared the shit out of me and now I'm afraid of swimming pools. Swimming pools, Kyouken. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

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