Going for coffee

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It was the next day and Blaine was at Adams house saying goodbye because Adam is going away for a week and Blaine was going to miss him. Blaine was sitting on Adams bed while watching him pack his stuff. "Adam why can't I know where your going.?" "Because Blaine I told you no and besides when I come back the week after we're gonna have sex like you wanted." "Babe You want sex I told you I'm not ready yet" "I'm sorry Blaine but I'm gonna have to do this" "do what.?" Said Blaine confused. Adam pushes Blaine on the bed climbs on top of him and whispers in his ear and said "make you mine" Adam starts unzipping Blaine's pants while kissing his neck Blaine tries to get away but he can't. Meanwhile at the Lima bean Kurt was waiting for Blaine so they could get coffee. Back at Adams house.
"I'll see you next week babe I'll leave the door unlocked for you bye" Adam kisses Blaine on the lips. After Adam left Blaine just layed there not being able to move until he thought of something grabbed his phone and went on his contacts and started scrolling until he found Kurt's name and called kurt "hello?" While kurt was at the Lima bean still waiting for blaine to turn up then he felt his phone buzz it was blaine calling him he answered his phone. "hello" said kurt confused to why blaine was calling him. "Kurt it's Blaine I need help" "what's wrong are you ok?" Said Kurt scared and confused. "No I'm not ok will you come get me.?" "Um sure where are you?" "I'm at Adams house" "ok I'm on my way" Kurt ended the call and got up out of his seat went to his car and drove to get Blaine. 15 minutes later Kurt finally arrived at Adams house Kurt unlocked the door with his spare key which he still had from when he and Adam were dating he opened the door and went in and shouted Blaine's name "BLAINE ARE YOU HERE?" "Upstairs Kurt" Said Blaine not being able to shout after screaming so much from what Adam did. Kurt ran upstairs and went into Adams bedroom and found Blaine under the covers crying. "Blaine what happened?" "Adam did something really bad to me" "what,what did he do?" Said Kurt scared and concerned of what Blaine might tell him "Adam raped me"
That's the end of this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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