Meeting Blaine Anderson

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Kurt Hummel was just at his locker getting his stuff to go home when someone pushed him into the locker Dave karofsky kurts had enough of karofsky bullying him so Kurt said this. "What is your problem?!." Kurt shouted getting fed up  "What did you just say?." karofsky getting angry "I said what is your problem?."
"I've said this multiple times fairy that your too gay to be around here." "HEY!." someone said behind them
"What?." "leave him alone." said the boy "and what if I don't what are you gonna do." said karofsky staring to get annoyed with the boy
"I know who you are and what you are and I can tell everyone the truth about you Dave karofsky." said the boy threatening karofsky "oh yeah what's that and how do you know my name." said karofsky trying to be smart with the boy
"I have a boyfriend who goes here and he's told me a lot about you so I suggest you walk away before I tell your secret."Said the boy who threatened karofsky "fine you may have gotten away with it this time Hummel but if it happens again I'll kill you." said karofsky who just threatened the life of another student. "Before I leave what is this secret that I apparently have?." Said karofsky who is confused. "My boyfriend told me that your gay and you kissed a boy named Kurt." Said the boy who just revealed Daves secret "please don't tell anyone I'll leave him alone." Said Dave as he was getting scared. Karofsky walks away as promised and leaves Kurt alone. "Thank you but you didn't have to do that."
"It's my pleasure." Said the boy "Blaine, Blaine Anderson" Blaine holds his hand out for the other boy to shake.
"Kurt, Kurt Hummel." Kurt shakes Blaine's hand. "Nice to meet you Kurt Hummel would you like to go for some coffee one day.?" Asked Blaine "um." But before Kurt could answer he was interrupted by someone. "Blaine what are you doing here and why are you talking to this boy?"Said the boy who was confused and annoyed."Adam this is Kurt"
"Yeah I know who he is just stay away from him his porcelain face will take you away from me." Said Adam
"Adam don't be mean just to the car and I'll be there in a minute." "Ok Hummel stay away from my boyfriend."
Adam walks away and goes to Blaine's car. Kurt lets out a big sigh. "You ok Kurt is Adam giving you a hard time.?"
"Just a little yeah Adam used to be my boyfriend before he cheated on me." Kurt said a little upset from the memory.
"Can I have your phone for a minute please?" "Um sure" Kurt gives Blaine his phone. "Here is my number call or text me whenever you want." Said Blaine he gives Kurt his phone back. "Thank you Blaine that's so kind of you" "Not a problem" there was awkward silence for a minute until Blaine spoke again. "Anyway back to my question would you like to go for coffee at the Lima bean shall we say tomorrow?" Said Blaine hoping for a yes. "Um sure but won't Adam be mad?" Kurt said a bit worried about what Adam might do to him. "Nope don't worry Adam is out of town for next few weeks so I'll be on my own" "Ok sure sounds fun" Kurt said excitedly "ok I'll meet you there at shall we say 12:00pm?"
"Sure" "great I'll see you tomorrow" Blaine gives Kurt a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Kurt" Said Blaine as he leaves "bye"
I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of glee Klaine FanFiction.

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