morning surprise

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Tait woke up, it was a chilly night. He was usually used to days like this but today felt different for him but he couldn't grasp as to why that was.

He disregarded that feeling and went to change his clothes for school. It had been a rough start to the year to him so he was happy for the soon

arrival of Christmas, he was wishing for something special but didn't think he would get anything.

He hopped onto his usual bus, he sat at the back, his usual seat because it was the furthest from the disabled bay. "694 to Broadwater Farm"

He had smelt the vapes of the other students, he wanted to get of the bus as quick as he could. He got off the bus one stop prior to the one that

stop at his school, he enjoyed the chills oh his wrists. "The Buckingham Institute for Boys and Girls"

He pulled his bag straps higher and entered the school. "Here we go again."

"Bluelog, I need you for a minute." his head of year bellowed to him. He hated them because they represented the establishmentarianism he despised. "We've

got a new student coming in today and you're the only one who is free to give them a tour"

"But Mx. Hewes i hate people and dont want to see more than i need to , let alone talk to one."

"You dont have a choice now sit and wait for them or i will give a 'very bad' punishment." Mx. Hewes winked at him, why would they do that he wondered.

He brushed it off and sat in the reception chairs. Half an hour later, there is a sharp ring fron the reception, "Bluelog, they're here."

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