an encounter with bonks

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Mathfew bonks was definitely clinically insane and  had to leave class every hour for his meds and is certainly going to get charged with some sort of sexual assault case sooner than later but Tait still liked him and Deafne had clearly taken a liking to him too. he reminded her of one of the discord mods on her server  'E-girls paradise'  who was actually top moderator  because he was always online due to his house arrest after groping a 9 year old and having a terabyte of cp on his pc. however those are just accusations and the cp was just really young looking, definitely 18+ boys and the nine year old, well he was just looking for attention. well that's what the discord mod said and why would he lie? 

"you look like a school slut!" Bonks said  to Deafne 

"I'll bet everyone would have fucked you by year 10" he added 

"Oi Mathfew you cant say that, apologize right now!"   Tait quickly said, he was clearly very infuriated by his comment.

"Oh sorry Deafne, I think it's the meds  heh heh but you know where to find me." He winked and then gulped 2 more pills and started to stumble back to class.

"Sorry about him, he's not really up there up here" he said pointing to his brain.

"I'm sure your not a slut."

but Deafne had no qualms with his statement, she had fucked many guys for discord nitro, she had around 15 STIs. they may have been 35 but age is just a number. but she didn't disclose this information to Tait and she wasn't ever planning to. she had found Mathfew funny and is planning on trying to be friends with the strange boy.

Tait started to walk Deafne back to reception so she could receive her timetable but then they walked past Zebaztion Ortism and Deafnes eyes lit up.


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