Herdic dreams

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After their encounter with herdic, Deafne was looking for a place that she could hide from the rest of the students. She never liked talking to people and was a recluse, only speaking to her discord 'friends'. she was a full time discord kitten but this new school was strict on a no phone policy so she couldn't text her discord daddies during school hours anymore .

Her mum ( her dad left ),  believes that the absence of mobile devices will help deafne make 'real' friends. her friends were real  and even though they were twice her age doesn't mean they're bad people. age is just a number and dictating someone's personality upon it is ageist and prejudice .

Anyway, her tour guide tait reminded her of the guys from her discord server and she was definitely happy that she was not alone in her life style and she would definitely end up being friends with him but, there was something in herdic that made her excited. 

she was fascinated by his animalistic activities and like a dog marked his territory on her by licking her face. Tait had also probably attempted this by pissing on her but got it on himself so she respected the effort. Herdic was definitely  going to see deafne around and she couldn't wait till they did. she knew that he was special and that made her feel invigorated 

"Oh and here is a great place to hide if you need it heh... heh" tait said, cutting through her dreams of herdic.

"Oh yeah i will definitely need that." she replied 

"Oh well I hide here a lot so we'll probably see each over"

"Oh cool" she said deadpanned , she could tell it was a pitiful attempt of flirtation but decided to dodge his shot yet. he could be a good dropback for her if her relationship with herdic fails. she kept thinking about him, she was even making up ship names for them, "deafdic" or "herme", a good selection but a difficult choice. she decided on deafdic.

"And finally here is medical"

before she could once again give a generic response a short tubby boy with long unkept blonde hair and a grimy head banned burst out the office


"oh hey mathfew, this is the new girl deafne, deafne meet mathfew bonks"

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