ii. Meeting The Parents

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To say I was nervous was a severe understatement, I was crying from how strong my nerves were. Dolores had attempted to comfort me to no prevail.

Alma was the scariest person alive, in my opinion. Camilo was just Camilo. Antonio was already my buddy. But then it came to her parents. Pepa and Felix. I was more worried about the literal whirlwind of emotions and causing a catastrophe by being stupid or saying the wrong thing.

Dolores had told me time and time again how I had nothing to worry since everyone already loved them, hearing nothing but praises of how they were an incredulous partner. And whilst I trusted Dolores' judgement, a small part of me was terrified.

Even so, I pressed on and decided to meet them for Dinner. I'd be meeting the whole family but it was mostly frightening to be meeting Dolores' parents. Without their approval, I didn't dare do anything.

Strolling up to Casita, the doors flew open, flapping in a greeting before I was greeted by my Wonderful lover. A kiss pressed against my cheek as I was dragged towards her family. I had never seen her this excited and so I put on my bravest face.

"Hello, I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." I spoke in a soft tone as to not upset Dolores' ears which she quite appreciated. Ot didn't go unnoticed by Félix either, how I took into account the feelings of Dolores at all times.

After casual greetings, we made way to the dinner table. Spread out were various foods, all cultural in nature. As a picky eater, this was a difficult feat as I never wanted to be disrespectful to anyone's culture so instead I filled my plate with familiar foods. Dolores and I have had countless picnics and on those she would try to introduce me to some of her favourites which I could see now was very helpful.

I sat down at the table, and clasped my hands in prayer. I'm not a religious person but I do like to thank the universe for the food that I am given as well as the person who prepared it. My mother taught me to always be respectful and so I tried my best at it. Alma noticed my hands clasped however, and once I was done she asked, "Do you say grace?"

Politely I shook my head and replied, "No, I just thank the universe for my meal and for the person who made it." This brought a smile to her face and so I assumed I had done something right. Thank you mum for teaching me to always be respectful.

The meal carried on with minimal interactions and mostly just questions about our relationship and our getting to know each other. At some point it got overwhelming but I was used to the curiosity so I bared with it. Dolores holding my hand and kissing the dorsal in attempt of comfort which worked.

However this sparked a reaction of Camilo turning into me and making kissy faces at Dolores. A giggle erupted from my throat and I couldn't help but smile at their interaction.

Soon dinner ended and we went up to Dolores' room where she told me how well it went and how proud she was me. Cuddling me and kissing me in the process. "You did a great job, love."

Word Count: 570

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