Jimin's heart shattering...

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Authors POV:
Taehyung and Seokjin cuddled each other on the sofa of Jimin's room waiting for him to move. Waiting for him to get up and annoy them.

They hadn't moved a muscle since Taehyung had come to know about Jimin and all that was happening.

The anger that built up for Yoongi was soon washed away when Jin explained both views.

Now they were both just upset and guilty. They wanted their Jiminie back and they didn't know how long it would take for him to get up.

That's when Jimin started mumbling incoherent words. The brothers shot up thinking finally their Jimin would be up and they could make him feel better.

They were wrong though, as soon as Jimin was up they wished he fell back to sleep because at least he wasn't hurting then.

Jimin shot up and his eyes were shedding uncontrollable tears his hurt was beating rapidly and his body was thrashing.

He screamed for Tae and Jin saying something they couldn't make out.

Jin hugged Jimin tightly as Taehyung stood there petrified with the way Jimin was. Jin managed to effortlessly calm Jimin down so they could understand what he was trying to say.

Jimin took deep breaths as Tae gave him some water. "Guys Yoongi hyung...he's I feel him he's in pain...somethings wrong."

The two brothers looked at Jimin and Tae spoke up "Chim a lot has happened so maybe it's just him hurting because of the fact that he had to hurt you?"

Jimin shook his head aggressively "That's not it Tae his body as in physically he's in pain I feel it. And I'm getting visions, flashes of him and...a car accident. Guys please take me to him. I can help him".

The two brothers wanted to argue and yell no because Yoongi would just hurt Jimin more but nevertheless Taehyung called his alpha up and spoke "Alpha please come to our house, please just come".

Taehyung's voice was broken and hobi immediately rushed into his car to come.

"Iv told my alpha Jimin he's coming and we're going to find out about Yoongi hyung I promise okay?"

Jimin nodded and continued to hug Jin. Then he spoke up and said "Hyung there's a hoodie in my wardrobe that belongs to Yoongi hyung bring it here. I need to drown myself in it".

Jin nodded but Tae beat him to get the hoodie and gave it to Jimin. Jimin put it on and smelt his alpha.

Oh how he wished life didn't do this to him. He wishes that he could just be in his alphas arm. But alas Yoongi didn't need him he found his mate after all right?

Jimin just let his tears dropped as they waited for hobi. Things would get better soon...once he sees his alpha anyways.

Jungkook POV:
I think mother would have figured out by now that I'm not home but I'm glad I'm not. I'm glad I'm with Joon hyung because we woke up to such heart breaking news.

Namjoon hyung got a call as we were cuddling in bed that Yoongi hyung had met with an accident.

I cried so much that I don't think I have tears left. Even though hyungs my brother I know he was a lot closer to Joon hyung hence it hurts him more.

We didn't tell Jin hyung or anyone else because we were too busy trying to figure this out.

Hyung's body lay in the emergency ward and his body looked paler than usual. There was blood everywhere and hyung had a pretty nasty hit.

My mind was all over the place but the most important thing was that we needed to stay strong. Stay strong for everyone who was going to need our shoulder to cry on.

Love by chance? - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now