Rightful place.

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Authors POV:
The next few hours were like hell to Jimin. He just couldn't stop crying and everything felt like a blur.

A passing memory he couldn't escape from it felt as if though everything had gone wrong. It was never supposed to be like this he was supposed to win him back, he wasn't supposed to make him mad at him and even say things like "There's no place for you in my heart or in my house".

Where was he to going to go now? did he actually want him out of the house? Or was he just simply saying it because he was angry?

Jimin was heartbroken because his own mate wanted him out of the house, out of his life knowing very well that Jimin's condition wasn't very stable he was pregnant after all - yeah that was pretty messed up.

Have you ever heard of the saying love is blind? Well in this case love is kind of reckless, it makes you want to do things that you would never do, it makes toxic relationships seem normal even if you don't want to be in love you still are because you're hopeless to it. Hopeless to the soul bound.

A lovers mind usually becomes a blur and unfortunately sometimes it makes people do very very dangerous things hence why Jimin did what he did next.

He ran to where Yoongi and IU had gone and found them both on the couch with IU fake crying and Yoongi caressing her by kissing her cheeks, hands, face and lips.

That shooting pain was back but Jimin was determined. He had to show Yoongi that he didn't do anything wrong.

"Seriously Hyung? Tell me besides the fake tears she has on her face do you see any signs of a slap? Or an extreme fall?"

Yoongi and IU both looked up and Yoongi answered Jimin with an annoyed "No".

Jimin sighed and said "Exactly! Look at my face it has red prints, not any prints HAND prints on top of that when she pushed me it bruised my hand because I fell against the table".

Jimin showed him his arm and emphasised on his pale skin that had turned red indeed with hand prints on them.

Yoongi didn't know what to believe so he looked towards both of them.

Jimin was right when he said Yoongi can't see the hurt in Jimin's eyes and the lies in IU's because as soon as IU made a lame excuse about how Jimin faked it Yoongi blindly believed her.

He even went as far as to gripping Jimin by the shoulders and saying "Stay away from her and me - if I could I would have kicked you out but I can't because I respect Jin Hyung too much to do that. So get this in your head Jimin you do as the contract says and don't piss me off. That even means don't come near me".

Jimin struggled with the intense grip on his shoulders and tears pooled out of his already red and puffy eyes.

Jimin nodded because right now yoongi's eyes didn't hold the same sincerity Jimin always saw. The sparkle was covered with a layer of fog that could drown away all the good in the world.

Yoongi's eyes were full of anger and Jimin was scared.

He truly didn't know what would happen to him now because his mind wasn't working he felt extremely scared.

One thing a pregnant omega shouldn't experience is intense fear but Yoongi didn't know that and Jimin didn't have it in him to tell him.

So Jimin did the only thing he could and that was to question Yoongi and put him off guard. He stuttered out rather nervously and said "Y - Yoongi Hyung if y - you didn't c -are about me t - then why did you do w - what you did? W - why did you r - rub my back when I had my morning
s - sickness? W - why were you so q - quick to give me food?"

Love by chance? - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now