What are you hiding?

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SeokJin POV:
After making dinner I sat down with my brother, his mate and my mate. We were waiting for Jimin. We somehow knew he would come back a little upset but also a little happy.

We didn't actually know what Jimin was going to propose or what Yoongi would say to it but we had a rough idea.

The door opened to a soaking wet Jimin, he was tired I could see that but most importantly he was clutching onto his stomach.

I ran up to him as the others too became alerted and asked what happened. "Did Yoongi do this to you?" Jimin shook his head no and I let out a sigh of relief because I wouldn't be able to handle it if he had.

"Why are you soaking wet Jimin? Why didn't you call us to pick you up or even get a taxi?" Namjoon asked and Jimin just sighed. "I wanted to but I didn't at the same time. I wanted to be with my thoughts".

I quickly realised that this was not good news at all so I told Jimin to go and get cleaned up by having a shower and wearing dry clothes. He nodded and walked to his room as I ushered the others to me.

"Somethings wrong so here's what we will do. I'm going to make hot coco for all of us and you guys set up the lounge area all cozy and with Jimin's favourite snacks. We have a long conversation and a lot of consolation ahead of us."

Jimin came back as the rest of us set everything up he instantly melted at the display and we went into a big hug.

As we sat down Jimin drank his hot coco and we all joined him then he began to talk. "I told him about it, as in about the heat and the clear not so innocent actions we did. He remembered it all. Well to be fair he remembered a lot earlier. The day he came back from the hospital and he was here. When he went to the bathroom he got flashes of the memory. Yet he still doesn't remember if he loved me or not. Or anything else about me to be honest".

We all just listened to Jimin talk he told us everything "I told him he should take responsibility and look after us. He agreed. Hence from tomorrow I'm going to live with him. Maybe during this time he may also realise how much he used to love me".

To say I was shocked would be a lie. I was baffled because Yoongi agreed so easily? But nonetheless as a hyung I was very happy because he took responsibility.

"Jimin I'm happy that he agreed to do it and the fact that he's calling you to stay with him means that he's more than ready to take care of you during the pregnancy."

Jimin just nodded and smiled I thought that was a little odd but I didn't question it. Lately a lot of things I'm not questioning because I don't know what it feels to be pregnant so I can't assume anything.

Jimin then announced that he was tired and wanted to sleep so I dismissed him after asking what he would like for dinner. "Jiminie what would you like to eat?"

Jimin sighed and said "I don't really want to eat but I know I have to so am can I have some kimchi, rice, bulgogi, Korean fried chicken, and noodles please".

I smiled at his request knowing it was a lot of food but I was more than happy to prepare it because I was going to be an uncle and I would do anything for that little bean in there.

"Anything for my two loves". Jimin raised his brow confused and I said "The apa and the child obviously Jimin, I'm gonna be the best uncle". Jimin laughed and then went to his room.

"Poor baby was really tired". Namjoon said and all of us could just agree because he really was.

"I'm going to cook now guys so Tae help me and joon you and Hoseok try and get into touch with Jungkook and Yoongi. The two devil brothers".

Love by chance? - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now