🌊 DARK CHOCO ||~ 🍫

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Hey everyone ! A little request from; GachaDenise_Gamer
This is an X Reader.
-(Y/N) - Your name
-(F/C) - Favorite Color
Thank you!

As the sun went down and the moon rises up, you tend to enjoy sneaking out of the kingdom to sit on the beach. Not for a particular reason, just for enjoyment.

You sat on the soft sand, and looked at the water, unsure of what was coming towards you.

You see a shadow next to you, you'd figure it was just a tree or something.
However, it was something way different.

"May I sit with you?" You hear a deep voice ask, you looked shocked, hoped you weren't
caught sneaking out.

But of course, you were 'caught'.
Obviously you didn't recognize him but you assumed that he was a cookie in the kingdom because there were tons of other cookies you didn't recognize there.

"Yeah, sure." You replied, if you snuck out, he must have snuck out too! But why would he come here?

The both of you stare at the moon above the glamorous water, you weren't quite sure what to do. You didn't know him and that's all you knew.

"Um, so what's you're favorite color..?" He said, facing away from you.
"Me? Umm.. my favorite color is.. (F/C)." You answered, he didn't have to start a conversation, but he probably did to make it less awkward.

But it didn't make it less awkward at all.

"Oh, I like that color too."

You both look away from each other again. However, you didn't want to seem rude so you decided to ask what his name is.

"What's your... name?"

He looked almost surprise, as if no one's asked him the question before.
"Dark Choco. What is yours?"
He seemed to be a lot more relaxed and focused on you.

"Oh I'm (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet you too, Dark Choco."

The two of you asked each other questions until the sun rose up.
You had to go back to the kingdom but he didn't seem to follow you..
You wondered why, but maybe he didn't belong in the kingdom.

Later that night after a hard day of chopping wood, you snuck out again.
Dark Choco was there!
You happily sat down next to him as the two of you talked some more.

You would visit each other often, you even got a way to contact him.
Until, finally, he asked the question you've been waiting for.

"Would you.. like to go on a date with- me?"
You looked shocked but you hugged him tightly.
He looked surprised at your answer but was very grateful for this moment.

The rest of the night it was more talking, but you had to go back to the kingdom.
However, you were joyful that you had a date, with the cookie you loved most.


I hope you enjoyed this x reader story! If you want more please tell me!
Words: 511
Chapter 1
First Dark Choco Story
X reader


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