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Hi! I hope you enjoy this story.

Frost Queen x Reader

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cold & Bold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Yes, honey?" You say, closing your book.
"I've- we've been invited to the Cookie Kingdom's dance. However, it's all up to you but I think we should go." The queen says, standing still.
"I mean, why not? It'll be fun right?"
Frost Queen Cookie smirks, "If you let it be. Now, while it is irresponsible of me- I did wait a bit to tell you. So, you might as well start getting ready."
"That's fine, I'll start getting ready."  You get up from the couch and head to the bathroom.
"Wait, Y/n."

You turn around, "Hmm?"
"I got you this."



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"Oh my- It's- how much did this cost..?"
"Hmm, why?"
"So I know what to pay you!"
"No, darling. You don't need to pay me. This is a gift.. a present."
"But- it must have been really expensive!"
"Mmm, don't worry about it. I'm the queen, remember?"
"Now, no more dilly-dallying. Go and get ready, my frostbite."

You turn back around with the clothes in your hands, you smiled and went to get ready.

-Time Skip-

"You look absolutely beautiful." The queen says, taking your hands in hers. "Beautiful."
She kisses you on the cheek, "Well, shall we get going? It'll be a bit of a drive."
"Of course."

-Time Skip II-

The car comes to a stop and Frost Queen Cookie opens the door for you, "Come on now, frostbite."
You two walk, side by side, holding hands. Music blasts loudly from the inside, you could even hear glass shattering.

"Hm, already regretting this and we're not even inside." Frost Queen chuckles softly.
"Well, come on now." She nudges you forward and you two enter the castle.

The frosty cookie puts her head in her hands, "Are you okay, my queen?" You ask holding her hand and squeezing it gently.
"Mhm. Just loud in here. How about we go to the bar? Or sit down maybe?"
You nod, and you both walk over to the bar.

"Give me a Lotus Martini, please."
The bartender nods and looks toward your way.
"Oh- I'm not thirsty." You stutter out putting your hands together,
The bartender raises his eyebrow at you, and then looks back at the frosty cookie.
"If my frostbite says they're not thirsty, then so be it. Now get me my drink."
The bartender turns around, but you could see on his face that the sparkle in his eyes had dialed down a little, you felt bad but you didn't want to apologize because that felt meaningless.

"Here you go, ma'am." He slides the drink towards the queen,
"Thank you."
Frost Queen Cookie quickly drinks it, and you both sit on the barstools for a bit.

"Yes, honey?"
She grabs your hands gently, "Would you like to dance?" She asks.
"Of course." You reply, you felt as if hearts were in your eyes.

She stand up and take your hand, dragging you across the dance floor, finding the perfect spot to dance.
She sighs, "I love this song."
You smile at her, "Then let's dance, my queen."

As you two twirl and spin, it felt like everything else was disappearing. Like nothing else mattered, it was perfect.

"How'd I get so lucky, hmm?" You blush lightly and continue to dance with her until the clock rings midnight.

You hop back in the car, resting your head on the queen's shoulder.
"I love you, my frostbite."
"I love you too."
You could swore she was smiling, so you smiled with her.
You imagined if you hadn't met Frost Queen Cookie, how boring your life would've been without her.
"Love you so much."


Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Words: 649
Frost Queen Cookie


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