🌊 Madeleine x Espresso ||~ 🍪 ☕️

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Requested by; -this_is_my_username , _Sleepy_Boi
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Enjoy the story! ❤️
Hurry up, Espresso!
Madeleine walked around the kingdom, there wasn't much going on today. It was quite boring, actually.
He thought he'd see someone he really liked- or loved.
He went over to where Espresso lived, a nice bear jelly house.

He knocked on the door over and over until Espresso answered.

"What? Oh, Madeleine. What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out!" Madeleine replied,
"Oh um, sure." Espresso paused, "Let me just.. finish something."

Madeleine waited about thirty minutes before knocking again,
"Yeah?" Espresso said,
"Are you done?"
"Not quite."

And then the door slammed shut as Espresso went back to his work.

Madeleine figured he could get him something, since this was probably gonna take a while, he could take his time looking for things.

Madeleine went to the nearest store in the kingdom, it didn't seem to have anything Espresso liked, it mainly just had groceries.

So he went to the next one, and then the next, and then the next. ALL OF THEM HAD NOTHING!!!
Madeleine worried he was running out of time, but then he sees Herb Cookie selling flowers, "How much for those ones?" He asks, "Oh, that's one seventy five!" Herb exclaimed, Madeleine quickly grabbed two dollars and ran with the flowers, "KEEP THE CHANGE!" He yelled.

"What a nice cookie." Herb whispered to him self and sold more flowers.

Madeleine rushed to Espresso house, worried that Espresso had finished his work. When he got there, he expected Espresso to be done already, he was wrong.

Madeleine knocked on the door, "Huh? oh yes, sorry, Madeline. I'm still not done."
Madeline slumped over a bit and said; "It's fine. I'll come back in a bit."

Later, Espresso remembered that Madeleine was supposed to come back and remind him, he wondered if Madeline was even still up to hanging out. Espresso decided to check up on him, he wasn't done with his work but he was sure he would remember what to do when he got back.

Espresso walked to Madeline's house, when he finally got there, he knocked on the door a perfect three times. The door opened a bit,
"Madeleine, it's me." Espresso rolled his eyes.
"Oh, Hi!"

Madeleine opened the door as if he was gonna rip it off the hinges.
"So if I can recall, you wanted to hang out?"
"Yeah! Oh, and I also wanted to give you these because I thought you were done working, and-"

Madeleine gave the flowers to him while talking,
"Wow, these are very nice. Where'd you get them?"
"Herb cookie gave them to me."
"For free? That's nice of him."
"Actually it was for-"

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Espresso asked,
"Um sure, what movie?" Madeleine
"A romance one."

Madeleine gave Espresso the remote due to him not knowing to many romance movies, Espresso put on one his favorite ones.

Pride and Prejudice

As the movie started, Madeline smiled as he knows he's definitely got a date.


I hope you enjoyed the Madeleine x Espresso story! ❤️
Words; 549
First Madeleine x Espresso Story


(_Sleepy_Boi can you let my family go now, I made the fanfic)

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