🌊 || Sparkling x Reader x Herb || ~ P 🌿 RT 🍷

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Requested by; UrWeakLol_
(E/C) - Eye Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(Y/N) - Your Name

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Phone Number Exchange W/ the Bar Tender
I sat with my good friend Herb, we were at the Kingdom's Bar because Herb just HAD to see Sparkling cookie.
I'm gonna admit, living with Herb is way different than I thought. WAY TO DIFFERENT.
But if I'm gonna admit something else, is that I actually... Ugh this is so hard admitting to myself.. that I developed feelings for Herb.

I won't tell her that, obviously. He's already obsessed with Sparkling.
Who ever that is, I just know he works at this bar.

Suddenly, a dark green eyed cookie walks over to the table.
"Welcome to the Kingdom's one and only bar! What would you like to order?" He asked, I just assumed it was Sparkling because well, Herb was just... yeah.

"Can- can I get a Strawberry Margarita?" Herb asked staring into Sparkling's eyes.
He's TERRIBLE at not trying to make things obvious.

"OK, and for you?" Sparkling Cookie seemed to look directly at my (E/C) eyes, I couldn't help but blush a bit. It was just embarrassing? But in a good way! Or a bad way? I dunno..

"Um, you gonna talk, princess?" He said, interrupting my thinking.
"Oh! I'll just take a water!" I answered as fast as I could, I didn't want to take anymore of his time.

Sparkling Cookie walked away, and Herb suddenly jumped at me,
"Heh yeah.." I blushed slightly,
"You have to get his number!"

I was confused why Herb wanted ME to get Sparkling's number, he had a crush on him for months.

"Yeah, um.. I'm going to the bathroom."

I left my phone on the table and fled to the bathroom, when I was washing my hands I noticed my (H/C) hair was a bit messed up, I didn't mind it. It looked a bit cute actually.

I walked back to my table and saw the drinks were there.

We drank them and payed, there wasn't much else to do except go home.
As Herb and I walked home, I got a message from a number I didn't recognize.

(***) - *** - ****

Hey, Princess, your little friend Herb |
Cookie gave me both of your phone numbers. |
Why don't we hang out? ;) |

Did Herb-?


"Did you give that guy my phone number!?"

"Only because you guys- like- totally like each other!"



"How is he gonna date both of us!?"



I hope you enjoyed this story ! It's only Part 1, also I forgot to make the letters bold and it's too late to fix it so sorry 💔
Words; 476
First Sparkling x Herb


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