lemon jelly belly

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laurel, belly and i sit in laurels car as she pulls up in front of the country club. don't get me wrong, wearing fancy dresses, heels and gloves is my kind of thing but wearing a fascinator, not so much.

im wearing a white dress with black heels and a black fascinator while belly wears a blue dress with flowers on it and a pinkish orange fascinator. both of us wearing white gloves.

i step out of the car with a huff, fixing the stupid hat on my head as belly gets out. she grabs my hand and we walk around the front of the car.

"girls?" laurel calls out, stopping us, "i just want you to know that if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. i promise i won't say i told you so."

"we'll be fine," belly says to her, as we turn to walk away.

"humor me? use our code phase, and i'll be right there." laurel tells belly.

"mom," belly groans.

"you remember it from when you were little, right?" she asks belly.

"lemon jelly belly," they say in unison, causing me to laugh a little but that goes away when a memory comes flying back.

my dad and i had a code phase. it was soul surfer or surfs up. either when i had to spend the weekend with mom or had to do something i didn't want to do, i'd call dad and he'd immediately come to my rescue.

"hey rory, you ready?" belly asks, sounding concerned as she stands in front of me with worried eyes.

"yeah, i'm ready." i reassured her with a smile, grabbing her hand as we began to walk.

that was until i saw jeremiah carrying a stack of towels. i smiled, "jere hey."

when we got no answer back, belly and i walk closer to him, "jeremiah." belly laughs.

he finally looks at us, shock covering his whole face. did i actually look good for once or was he staring at belly?

"oh, my god. uh, belly, rory, wow. i didn't even recognize you guys." he says, his eyes all on belly, making my smile fade.

belly looks at me then looks back at jere, "tell us the truth. do we look like fouls?"

"um...." he laughs. i bet i look like a fool right now.

"uh, no, y-you look good. you both look good," his eyes finally land on me, "you look amazing," he says mostly toward me, "um, let me walk you guys over."

i look at him, confused, well mostly look at his abs, is he about to walk with us wearing no shirt?

"what?" he asks me.

"nothing," i shake my head, pulling my eyes away from him.

"uh, let's go," he says, as we begin walking, "are those-are those pineapples?," he asks belly, gesturing toward the pattern on her dress.

"pineapples?" she asks.

"pineapples, yeah?"

"no, they're flowe....have you never seen flowers before?" belly asks him.

"i-i have, but that is, for sure, a pineapple," jeremiah says, running toward a golf chart to place the towels down.

belly and i grab hands and do a little spin.

"that's a nice pineapple dress you got there." he says to belly, laughing, as he pushes his away between us, linking arms.

is white not my color? or is it the stupid fascinator that's making me look bad? am i not enough for you?

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