Untitled Part 18

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 Arianna and Titus' wedding was the 'event of the decade,' according to Leslie Loxerman. Clarissa had thrown quite the party. Every important witch and wizard alive was present, and Tom made sure to impress them all. By the end of the night, they were all eating out of the palm of his hand like always.

Tom was slowly dancing Maeve in the ballroom while they talked.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better," said Maeve.

She spent the majority of the morning ill, as she was often. Her Father had forced Irma Black to come over and examine her, but the skilled witch found nothing out of the ordinary.

Maeve watched Arianna and Titus dancing. Her own time was running up. Soon it would be Christmas and the Sacred Twenty Eight Party where customarily Maeve's betrothal would be announced.

Tom, always in her thoughts, whispered to her.

"Don't fret, Little Viper. What did you see when you wore Ravenclaw's diadem?"

Maeve looked up at him. "That it would all work out."

"Precisely," said Tom.

Maeve smiled up at him.

"They are watching us," said Tom.

"Who?" Asked Maeve, her smile never faltering.

"The Committee of the Sacred," said Tom.

Maeve continued to stare up at him adoringly.

"You're good at that," said Tom as he pulled her closer.

Maeve tilted her chin up towards him.

"Not yet," said Tom, smirking down at her.

He danced them around until they were back in a good line of sight.

"There we are," said Tom, slowly bringing his lips to hers.

The only time Tom kissed her sweetly was when they were putting on a show, but Maeve didn't mind. The song ended, and Tom stroked her cheek before letting her leave the ballroom.

Maeve went into the dining hall to get a drink and look for her Father. The room was empty save for Abraxas and one of the boys she recognized to be Alphard's friends who were seated at the bar.

Abraxas' cheeks were flushed. Maeve put her arm around him.

"Maeve, darling," drawled Abraxas. "Have you met Hugo Septum?"

Hugo extended his hand to her, and she took it.

"Pleasure," said Maeve.

She turned to Abraxas, who was clearly very drunk.

"Are you dreading it, Maeve?" Asked Abraxas.

"Dreading what?"

"This," said Abraxas, gesturing about the room. "The wedding, the whole thing- I know I am." Abraxas burst out laughing, and Hugo followed suit. Hugo was as drunk as Abraxas.

Maeve snagged a glass of water from the bar.

"He who knows all," she said and turned to Abraxas, "do you know where my father ran off to earlier?"

Abraxas swallowed his drink hard and nodded.

"He's in his study with the Minister," said Abraxas.

Maeve thanked him and made her way out of the dining hall. She rounded up the stairs and headed towards her Father's study.

Maeve knocked on the door.

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