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While reading A Witches Guide to the New World, Maeve was propped on one side with Spinel curled tightly at her stomach. The window along her bedroom was scenic today, pushing sunlight through the glass, warming her skin.

An unmistakable cold tinkle shot down her spine. She sat up with a gasp that sent Spinel running. Her heartbeat was louder than a drum in her ears, and her head spun for a moment. She tossed her book and went bolting for the bedroom door. Spinel was still chaotically running about, not use to Maeve behaving in such a way. She made her way across the landing and began her descent from the third floor. Halfway down the stairs, she came across Trudy, who jumped upon seeing her.

"Oh! You have a visitor Miss-"

"I know." Maeve interrupted her without even a glance.

Maeve tried to slow herself as she flew down the main staircase to the foyer.

"Hi," said Maeve, out of breath.


Tom Riddle stood in front of her for the first time in weeks. He looked different. His cheeks were more sunken, and it suited him nicely.

"Would you like to sit in the drawing-room?" Offered Maeve, trying to sound calmer, but her heartbeat was pounding even louder now that she was close to him.

He looked as though he wanted to laugh at her but simply nodded.

Zimsy appeared in the drawing-room, and before she could speak Maeve looked her directly in her eyes, an uncommon gesture that made Zimsy's mouth tighten nervously.

"No tea, no refreshments, nothing. But what you will do is keep my Mother and Arianna, and-oh for goodness sake, anyone really- away."

The house-elf bowed at such a direct order.

Maeve turned, and Tom had already seated himself.

"How have you been?" Asked Tom.

"Skip the pleasantries, shall we?" She sat across from him. "I haven't heard from you in over a month."

Maeve knew good and well that Tom had been holding meetings with a select few, including her Father, without her.

Maeve got a good look at him now. He had done it again. He had made another Horcrux. She knew just looking at him that he had split his soul once more.

"Again?" Breathed Maeve.

Tom studied her.

"I haven't seen you in some time," said Tom. "You look to be in much better health than the last time I saw you."

Maeve reflected on the last time Tom saw her.

"Yes," said Maeve. "I'm assuming you received my apology for that night?"

"I did," said Tom. "It matters not. I did what you failed to do."

Maeve's eyes grew wide. "You have it?"

Tom frowned at her. "I have it. And you are forbidden to see it."

"Forbidden?" Whispered Maeve.

"Yes. Maybe the lesson will stick after last time. There is no exception when I forbid you of something, Maeve."

Maeve nodded; Tom continued.

"Though I will say I am impressed at the lengths you were willing to go to in getting what you wanted."

Maeve remained silent.

"Relying on Alphard's affection towards you and your brother, putting him in grave danger and not thinking twice about it."

Obliviate Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now