Chapter 2: A friend for Life

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Naruto awoke in the middle of a forest floor his head was ringing. "Oh man what happened to me?" Naruto asked nobody in particular.

Then it all came flooding back to him. The kidnapping, being carried in a large bag and every time he woke up being knocked back out. And finally being dumped in the middle of a forest completely alone.

"Man I don't know where I am, or how I will ever get home, what am I supposed to do?" Naruto yelled hoping someone would hear him. Unfortunately he had no such luck.

'Guess I am just going to have to find a way to get back to Konoha later, I need to find some people first' Naruto thought but his mind was soon driven from that frame of mind when he felt his stomach growl. "Oh man I am hungry, I have to find something to eat quickly" Naruto said and began frantically looking around for anything that looked remotely edible.

He could not see much, despite it being the middle of the day the density of the forest made it hard to see far in front of him. As far as anything edible went he was again out of luck. There was nothing, just trees. As far as the blond could see there weren't even any beetles in the area that he could force himself to eat. 'Looks like I have to keep moving and hope to find something while I move' Naruto thought and he stood up and began running through the forest as quickly as his small eight year old legs could carry him.

(Konoha Two Days Later)

Itachi was standing in front of the Hokage with Kakashi. "So how has the search gone? Any sign of Naruto-kun yet?" Hiruzen asked.

"It has been over four days now and there is still no sign of him. It is obvious to me that who ever the culprit was, has a great understanding of how the Konoha Hunter and Tracking Ninja teams operate. I suggest it is probably someone from inside either of those branches" Itachi informed the Hokage.

"Has there been any ninja go Awol in the last few day's?" Kakashi asked.

"No all ninja are accounted for" the Hokage informed the Copy Ninja.

"Then may I suggest you look at what teams left the village that night, and have a team search along any expected routs they may have taken.

"Well let's see if I put together both of your suggestions we have three teams and two solo missions that left on the night that Naruto disappeared. There are two tracking teams that I sent to look for Jiraiya as he has not delivered a report in a few weeks, a hunter team that had reports of a sighting of Orochimaru. Also Shisui Uchiha has been sent to deliver a reply to the rebels facing the Mizukage's forces, to inform them that we cannot give any direct support but will supply some weapons and funding. Finally Kou Hyuuga has been sent to Taki to deliver a message to the new ruler there, Shibuki I believe his name is" Hiruzen said.

"If it is one of the teams then it will mean that this has been planned for some time. However Shisui and Kou are both highly respected members of there clans and are loyal to Konoha" Kakashi said.

"We will have to send teams out to follow the path of each of them, I still do not want to think about the prospect of any of them betraying Konoha like this" Hiruzen said.

"We will send our teams our at once Hokage-sama" Itachi said and gave a respectful bow before leaving.

"I wont rest until we find him Hokage-sama" Kakashi finished before leaving after Itachi.

(Land of Forests)

Naruto had been walking almost non stop for the past two day's, and all he had found to eat were several berry's on a bush that while kept him going for awhile were not enough to defeat his hunger.

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