Chapter 5: An Unwelcome Reunion

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Two years had passed since the Uchiha massacre, and Sasuke had spent every second of his life that he was not training or in the academy, fantasizing about the day he finally killed Itachi. And today was no exception despite how important the day was. Today was the day he was given his genin team.

Across town in the Hokage tower Hiruzen Sarutobi was in a counsel meeting along with the Ninja who would be acting as the sensei's the following year.

"Now, I think you know why you are all here. We have to decide on the team placement for this years genin. The normal way of choosing team seven which has been so successful in the past providing us with such ninja as my own three pupils, the Yondaime and Kakashi Hatake was to take the top ranked Ninja and Kunoichi along with the bottom of the class. This has been used the past four years but as you know Kakashi Hatake has failed to pass any of the teams he has been given" the Hokage said.

"He, probably just didn't want to do it, I don't know why you would pick such an unreliable ninja to be a sensei, he has become more and more difficult ever since that ... that thing left the village" one of the civilian counsel member said who had in the past had run in's with the copy ninja about the treatment of a certain former resident of Konoha.

"Yes and I am sure it is because of people like you that Naruto has left the village and not returned" Kakashi said flatly.

"I wish I could take the credit, I have sent enough money to Kou Hyuuga's family to almost pay for their seals to be removed" the counselor chuckled ignoring the looks of disgust on the faces of the clan heads and the Hokage.

"We are getting off topic, if we are to follow team seven tradition then it will be the team os Sasuke Uchiha, who was the top ranking among the boys and rookie of the year" there was a round of applause from the civilian side of the council room. "Yes thank you. Anyway the top ranking kunoichi was Hinata Hyuuga who finished in third over all behind Sasuke and Shino Aburame. And last in the class was Shikamaru Nara. However, upon looking at young Shikamaru's grades I found something interesting. He only ever answered half the questions and hit the exact amount of points so he would pass and nothing more. I believe him to be far more skilled than he lets on. However that would be team seven. I am sure there will be some objections... there always is after all" Hiruzen sighed.

"Yes Hokage-sama, we requested back when they started the academy that Ino Choji and Shikamaru, were placed in the same team" Inoichi spoke up and his statement was greeted with agreeing nods from Choza and Shikaku.

"Yes I agree that would be a formidable team and it has the balance that we know works, I am inclined to agree, but then who do I fill the final place in team seven with?" Hiruzen asked.

As if on cue a pink haired woman stood up and the ninja councilors readied to block their ears incase she started screeching like she had so many times in the past. "My daughter Sakura should be placed with the Uchiha!" the Pink haired Sakebi Haruno screeched causing the people in her direct vicinity to wince from the pain that their ears had to endure.

"That may actually work, Sakura's ninja skills were the lowest but she scored the highest in terms of book smarts and chakra control which could lead her to becoming a talented support ninja, and with Sasuke being a close to mid range fighter and Hinata being a close range fighter that leads to a balanced team, despite a break from the usual one kunoichi per group rule. The final team will be a hunting and tracking team and will be Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Sai" Hiruzen said.

There were no more objections and the Hokage was able to send the full list of teams to the academy for the head teacher Iruka.

Several hours later, all the teams had left the Academy, well that was all except for team seven. "Gah where is our sensei!" Sakura whined.

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