Chapter 6: The Yoinokuchi

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"So where are we going?" Zabuza asked Itachi, as their small group made it's way silently through the land of fire.

"We have a hide out about half way to Konoha. From there we can get in contact with the other members of our group" Itachi replied.

"And how many people are in the Yoinokuchi" Haku asked.

"At the moment five not including you two. We operate in pairs, as you can see Naruto-kun is usually my team member. As for who the others are, well the person in control would be Jiraiya-sama. And the other two well there is Akimi, she is Naruto's age and has a unique Kekkei Genkai, swift release. And her brother Akaru. They both fled from Kumo with to avoid them putting the girl into a forced breeding to try and reproduce the bloodline limit" Itachi replied.

"Huh Jiraiya... you mean Jiraiya of the sannin? On of the legendary three?" Haku asked.

"Yes, he left the direct service of Konoha almost four years ago now, although he is still very loyal to the village" Itachi said.

"Why would someone like Jiraiya leave his village?" Zabuza asked.

"He left because of Naruto here. He discovered him in the Land of Forests, but he was from Konoha originally" Itachi replied.

"He doesn't say much does he, since we left the Land of Waves he has barely said a word" Zabuza said indicating where Naruto was walking his hood up covering his face.

"Normally he wont shut up, my guess is something is bothering him" Itachi said.

"The team from Konoha, they will inform the hokage and will send a hunter ninja after us. I'm sure of it" Naruto said finally speaking.

"We have time, Kakashi wont abandon his mission" Itachi said.

"Then I would say we have about three days before they start the search, are you sure this is the best hide out to use" Naruto said.

"Lighten up kid, what are a bunch of Hunter ninja going to do, we will just take care of them when they show themselves" Zabuza said with a wicked grin.

"I will not kill Konoha shinobi unless I am forced too" Naruto said.

"We should be fine, there are the best defenses we can make guarding the place. And we only need to stay there until we can get a message to Jiraiya-sama saying we found Zabuza" Itachi said.

They walked for a few more miles before they came to a large boulder. Naruto moved up to it as simply brushed it out of the way like it was not even there.

"Well, it's no palace, but it is a damn sight better than the places we have been hiding" Zabuza said as he looked around.

They had entered a large underground complex that seemed to run deep into the earth.

"Itachi show them to their rooms, I'm going to go train" Naruto said and left down a separate path.

"Alright, just try not to destroy anything" Itachi replied.

"Kid seems to be a little cold on us" Zabuza said.

"I don't think he approves of your line of work. Naruto-kun is a rather gentle person, so he usually dislikes people who kill for fun, it may take him awhile to accept you as members.

"Doesn't like people who kill for fun huh, then what is the point of this group?" Zabuza asked.

"In essence we are mostly mercenary's, but most of what we do helps people, for example we do not take missions to kill civilian bridge builders" Itachi said.

"you think you can talk to me like that, and get away with it! I should cleave you where you stand" Zabuza said.

"You're welcome to try, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your reasons for taking those missions are your own, none of us will truly know the type of person we are until we are about to die. Follow me your rooms are this way" Itachi said expressionlessly and walked off.

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