Chapter 7: Return to Konoha

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The six members of the Yoinokuchi had spent the last two days getting to know each other better while they waited for Jiraiya to show up. And it wasn't until late in the afternoon on the second day of waiting since the return of Akimi and Akaru that Jiraiya finally entered the base.

"Welcome back Jiraiya sensei, I thought you would have gone to one of the other bases, I mean this is a long way to come from the Land of Rice Fields" Naruto greeted Jiraiya as he sat down to relax.

"Why not come here, this is our main hideout after all" Jiraiya said.

"What were you doing that was so important there anyway, the place is just a bunch of rice farmers" Naruto said.

"The sound village, Oto. It's a new village that has sprung up recently" Jiraiya said.

"So what! I mean it's not like it will be a very dangerous village if it is only new" Zabuza said.

"That's the thing, it isn't a real village at all, which makes me wonder why they would declare themselves as one" Jiraiya said.

"Huh what do you mean they're not a real village?" Akaru asked.

"I mean I have been over every part of the country, and there is no hidden village... but there is a hidden base owned by an old friend of mine" Jiraiya said.

"Orochimaru huh, so what is he up to now? Why declare a village that doesn't exist?" Naruto questioned.

"Well I have an idea, but I cant really prove it" Jiraiya replied.

"Well don't just sit there tell us what you think the scaly freak is up too" Zabuza said.

"He needed to be a village so he could do something only a village was allowed to do, something that forced him to make the claim of a village. I think he wants to send people who work for him for what ever reason to either the chunin or jounin exams in Konoha" Jiraiya said.

"What good would that do? New countries can only send a maximum of two teams to the chunin exams, so if he plans to attack Konoha with that few units he may as well just attack from the outside for all the good it would do him. Why not just register the teams as wandering shinobi?" Itachi said.

"I don't know, perhaps he is after something else, or is using this as a chance to get close to Sarutobi sensei, so he can kill him. All I know is I am positive Orochimaru has something planned during the chunin exams and it is never good when Orochimaru has something planned involving Konoha" Jiraiya said.

"So what do you suggest we do? We can't exactly warn the Hokage, if we don't know what that snake has planned" Naruto said.

"In that case we will just have to be on hand to stop him should anything occur" Jiraiya said.

"What you want us to break into Konoha in the middle of the chunin exams?" Naruto asked.

"Not at all, you are going to compete" Jiraiya said.

"I'm what! You're kidding me right? We don't have a village to compete for, and I don't even have a team!" Naruto yelled.

"We will enter you as a team of wandering Ninja, and I think you do have a team. Akimi is your age and has no past ninja alliances with any other village as she was not a ninja when her brother left Kumo. And Haku was never a ninja of Kiri, due to her bloodline limit. That will be your team" Jiraiya said.

This time it was Akimi's turn to blow a fuse "You want me to compete in the chunin exams against a bunch of weaklings! Come on Jiraiya-sama, I mean I am at least low jounin level and Naruto is at the same level as Itachi, I have never seen him loose a fight, this is over kill!" she yelled.

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