Chapter 2

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Zed swiped his z-band and started zombien out at the Aliens.

"Zed, stop! Enough!" Addison yelled at her boyfriend as I grabbed him.

We calmed him down before one of the three leader aliens stepped forward.

"Take us to your leader. Your cheerleader."

Bucky stepped forward but Lacey stopped him.

I then grabbed my cousins hand leading her to them.

"Hi." Addison waved.

"We accept your invitation to the National Cheer Off." They smiled at Addison and I as thunderclapped again.

"Z-Patrol, arrest them!"

I stood beside Addison, as we stood at Z-Patrol Headquarters.

The aliens were in different rooms, one was alone, Zed and Bonzo was with one and Wyatt, Willa and Wynter were with the third.

"Great idea separating the aliens, Principal Lee." Dale told Lee going for a fist bump.

"Not my first time dealing with spacey teens." Lee chuckled grabbing his hand.

"They're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force." Bucky said.

"I mean, who wouldn't want more me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, they're uninvited and have to leave."

"But we invited everyone to our Cheer Off
to compete for the Seabrook Cup." Addison said.

"Um... You can't just give away my bling." Bucky told her.

"I don't intend to lose." Addison looked at Bucky before turning around.

"And I always believed that cheer could bring people together. Maybe even worlds together."

"Or tear our worlds apart." I bumped Bucky's shoulder.

"Mark my words, these aliens are here to take what's ours."

Bucky let out a scream, as the boy alien stood beside him.

"Greetings. Did you want me to continue waiting alone?" He asked.

"Uh, I think that would be..."

"That's... I could... Yes."


"Very well. Shall I redon your ceremonial jewelry and rewire your door panel?" He asked.

"That would be dynamite. Yeah." Missy said.

"Ridic... Yes, please." Dale cleared his throat.

"I'll walk you back." I said.

"Oh! May you find harmony." He said to the others as we walked out.

We made our way down the hall.

"I'm Malia. What's your name?" I asked breaking the silent.

"A-Lan. It is fascinating to meet you, Malia." A-Lan told me.

"It's fascinating to meet you too." I laughed.

We walked by a room with the non-binary alien that was with Zed and Bonzo.

zombies 2 book-2 -Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now