Chapter 1

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Wedding magazines were piled in my arms, and paint samples were in my hands as I examined them, I was walking around the school grounds looking for Wyatt.

I wasn't thinking about getting married yet but it was tradition for the great alpha, which is me to get married before their 18th birthday, mine wasn't until February 14th, but I have to be married on the Summer Solstice.

Luckily for me, I already knew who I was going to marry.

Wyatt proposed to me on my 17th birthday, then I was told about the tradition.

Right now everybody was getting ready for the last football game of our high school years.

"Our moonstones are acting weird, Wyatt.
Something big is happening." Willa said as I slowly made my way over to the twins.

"Something big is happening. Biggest football game in the universe." My fiance told his sister.

"Just the biggest in Seabrook."

Willa growled as a girl froze with a paint brush in her hand.

"Come on. You know how important a win is for all us monsters." Wyatt said.

"Yeah. Don't be such a sour wolf." I said stopping beside them.

Willa glared at me, as Wyatt wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Seabrook needs you, cheer wolf."

"You want a fierce werewolf leader to rally a football team?" Willa asked.

"Yes, but since your alpha is wedding planning, I hand the mantle to you." I said.

"Let's go!" Willa stalked away as Wyatt and I stayed.

"Which color?" I asked him holding up a purple and a blue.

He grabbed the samples, looking at them both.

"Hmm. Purple." I smiled.

"Perfect." I said taking it from him.

Wyatt then grabbed the magazines from me, then we started walking.

"Take a break from wedding planning and come to the game."

I sighed.

"I can't. There is so much to do and plus the wedding is in a month! I haven't found a dress yet." I said.

Wyatt stopped walking.

"Let the den mother, do the rest of the planning. So we can enjoy the end of senior year together."

"Fine. You are lucky you're cute." Wyatt smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Wyatt and I stood beside Zoey as Willa stood on top of the bus, with a sign.

"Let's tear these Eastside Eels apart. Destroy them!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as Willa ran her claws on the the bus.

"Maybe just a bit too much school spirit." I said looking at my fiance.

"Get our Mighty Shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf. No outsiders mess with our pack."

Everyone cheered again.

"When you're from Seabrook, you are Seabrook. Seabrook!"

"Seabrook, Seabrook! Seabrook, Seabrook!" Everyone chanted.

"Yeah!" Willa yelled.

The tablet that we used to talk to Eliza started ringing and said girl popped up.

"Eliza." I said cheerfully.

"Hey, Mal." She smiled at me.

"I-I can't believe you're not here for this. We all miss you.... let me rephrase that. I miss you." I said.

"I... Miss." Eliza said but the screen glitched.

"Eliza, you're breaking up." I said as people cheered.

"Okay, everyone, let's give it up for our football team as they head off to victory." Addison yelled.

We all cheered as the banner broke, but only Bucky ran out with Shrimpy behind him.

"Ha!" I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for coming to see me off for my big game." He said waving.

"You're not even on the football team, Bucky." Stacey told him.

"Um, that's President Bucky. And as president, all accomplishments are my accomplishments." I turned to Wyatt.

"Do we have to invite him to the wedding?" I asked.

"Yes." Wyatt told me wrapping an arm around my waist.

The fog machines went off as the actual football team ran in, Zed leading them.

"Go, Seabrook!" He cheered.

They all went to the bus, except Zed and Wynter who was walking slowly walking with her head down.

"Hey, hey. You are going to kill it out there tonight, okay?" Zed told Wynter.

"Those Eels think that they can keep you caged up. They think they can keep you on a leash. But you are no cuddly puppy. You are a fierce beast of the forest!" They both started howling.

"This shrimp be cray!" Wynter cheered for herself.

"So cray! Go, Wynter." Zed cheered back.

Wynter ran to the bus, well ran into it before turning around.

"Too much?" She asked.

"Never too much. You do you! My Little Wolf!" I told my Beta.

I stood with Zed and Addison, until I saw the recruiter from Mountain College.

"Come on, the recruiters are here." I told Zed.

We made our way over to the recruiter and the parents.

"Oh! Here he is now." Zevon said.

"Oh, hi." Zed shook both of the recruiters hands.

"I'm a recruiter from Mountain College..." The male said as thunderclapped behind us.

"...and we need... we need..." The recruiter looked frightened.

"You need to recruit me to Mountain College, or..." Zed laughed nervously.

"Oh, no. Oh, no!" The recruiter screamed.

"What?" I asked before turning around.

Everyone started screaming as a UFO slowly came down from the sky.

"It's a UF..."

"Whoa." Addison and I both exclaimed.

"I quit! I'll never leave home again!" The recruiter yelled running away.

"Wait, wait, wait! Don't go!" Zed yelled.

"You have to recruit me to Mountain College."

I turned back around before being grabbed by Wyatt.

"We need to protect the moonstone." He told me.

I nodded as he dragged me away but my eyes never left the sky.

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