Loathe me.

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That word made me freeze.

I can't get comfortable around these people.

They can't be people for what they do.

M o n s t e r s.

Opening my eyes once more, I wasn't in the lab, but a living room with the black haired man.

"This fellows name is Jeff, assuming he won't remember to inform you on his name Im doing the pleasure to do so." The voice rang in my mind.

I looked over at Jeff, he was watching the T.V.

How could have I been with this man for two years? Wouldn't I have felt a connection with this man when I woke up?

"What's on your mind." He whispered looking over at me.

"Who am I." I asked, like this man would have an answer. But if we were together he would know right?

"Well your name is Y/n L/n, You are 16-18 years old. That's all you need to know for now." He said turning his attention back to the television.

I don't remember anything.

Only non real things about my parents.

I have to stay with these people, otherwise Im lost without them.

Lost without Jeff.


~Time skip~


I was sitting on the cold kitchen stool by the tall table.

Jeff was making me a sandwich because he didn't trust me with knives, even a butter knife.

BEN was sitting at the table across from me trying to build a new "game" for his victims, Ever so often glancing over at me.

"Here my love" Jeff said handing me the sandwich, Then taking a seat next to me.

Did he poison this?


He's a murderer he can't love someone .

I inspected it hesitantly, not wanting to offend Jeff and then took a bite.

The flavors bursting all over my mouth.

Jeff lay his head down on his hands and closed his eyes. His scar. His eyes. Him.

Everything about him sent me into questioning myself.

How did I fall in love with a man like this?

"What's our favorite game to play, y/n?" BEN asked looking at me. Snapping me out of thought.

Favorite game...

"Tag?" I answered hoping it was the right answer.

"Video game." He corrected me.

What video games were there? Well minecraft I still remember.

"Minecraft?" I asked.

"Correct." He smiled, going back to his device.

If these monsters were killers why did they act so normal?

I looked at the corner of the kitchen to see a bathroom, finally.

I stood up from my chair and curved around the table to the other room. Feeling Jeff's stare peirce through my soul.

Opening the door and walking inside closing it behind me, then flipping the light on.

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