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Toby's POV

Jeff and Y/n say in the back of the van, apparently she blacked out or some shit. I mean, I would to if someone tried grabbing my tits while driving.

We pulled into the clearing and parked into the barn by the Mansion, I was assigned to carry y/n in and give her to Jack. I will stay in there so he doesn't take her kidneys just in case. I crawled to the back of the van once everyone got out besides y/n, when I saw her she looked like a dead body besides her chest rising which indicated she was still alive. I put my arms under ker knees and the head, carrying her out of the shitty proxy-mobile as I called it.

"Your a dumbass, you should've stabbed the bitch while you had the chance." I told y/n, making a stabbing motion with my free hand. Soon I reached the door and swung it open, closing it with my back foot. Hoodie and Masky along with Kate went to the kitchen to cross off some stuff on our map and I watched Jeff go up the stairs as I followed behind him.

His hand dragging across the railing, he was muttering some weird shit. If y/n wasn't in my arms I would've tripped him, that made me snicker at the thought. I walked awhile untill I got to Jack's lab or room? I don't know what to call it.

Leaning down I turned the handle and walked in seeing Jack sit at his desk, with his lamp light on writing down stuff in his notebook. "Yes Toby?" Jack asked, lifting his pen from the paper. "how the hell did you know it was me?!" I asked while walking over to the medical bed and layed y/n down, grabbing a sheet from the table besides the bed and covered her up.

"Your scent, and your loud ass footsteps." Jack sighed, turning around in his chair and looking past me and at y/n. "What happened?" He sighed while pushing himself off of the chair and walking towards her, looking over her body.

"Jeff fucking flicked something in her head and she went out or some shit." I reply, walking over to y/n and in the other side of her. It was pathetic to see someone so weak, I could just finish her off right here. Jack was probably thinking the same thing, but we can't. She's one of us now.

"The brain must've done it as a reaction, coping mechanism I see. Something in her past must've inflicted it, what happened if I may ask?" Jack asked, turning to me. "Supposedly Jeff tried making her crash the car and touched her." I replied, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed.

"Touching her... How so?" He asked, tilting his head while scanning her body for bruises or injuries. I raised my hands and squeezed the air, my hands squeezing because of my leather gloves. Jack knew exactly what that meant and sighed, he then lifted her left arm and smelled it.

What the fuck?-

He began unwrapping the bandages on her wrist, and then paused along with me. Deep lines traced all over her wrist, one even hitting her vain. Jack traced the lines, one but one with his index finger.
"My lover used to do this." He spoke out, setting her hand back down by her side. "Jeff probably caused her to do that, shits probably crazy behind closed doors." I muttered, Crossing my legs.

Suddenly the door opened and Jeff walked in, he was carrying a blanket along with a pair of pajamas. He walked towards y/n in a worried manner, and then grabbed her hand and started talking to himself once more. "your not supposed to be in here." I sneer at Jeff, bouncing my leg up and down in an impatient matter.

"Fuck off." Jeff hissed, unraveling the blue blanket and laying it over her body. My that action a sudden smile came to y/n's lips, shes probably dreaming of some weird shit.

Jeff then crawled into the bed next to her, pulling her body close. It was pretty heart warming to see, but also made me want to burst out laughing.

A familiar static rang in my ears, and then the boss stood next to the bed y/n and Jeff laid in.
"Is my proxy doing well? She seems that she will be good to put back to work tomorrow." It asked itself, standing over the two bodies.

He picked up her right wrist and assumingly felt for a heart beat, her face squinted probably due to the radiation of the bosses skin. "Her heart beat is normal, she will be fine." And with that a static sound rang through my ears and he was gone.

Just as I preferred it.

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