Talk and Drive.

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It has been pretty fun at the bar, Masky and hoodie even had a good time. I was the only sober one so I had to drive back to the manner, which wasn't a problem. Jeff was snoring in his seat along with Toby, Kate was mumbling about some girl she thought was cute and hoodie was passed out. That left Masky in the front seat making sure I didn't "crash the car".

"How do you feel about all of this?" A gruff voice asked me, I looked to my side to see Masky staring at me waiting for a answer. "I don't know what your talk-" he interrupted me seeming impatient.
"With the shit that has happened, with Jeff." He growled, looking back at the road ahead of us.
My grip tightening on the staring wheel as I thought about this question, how did I feel?

"Disgusted, Confused but otherwise I'm okay" I smile, looking over at Masky. "Bullshit." He muttered, leaning back on the seat. He was right, it was bullshit. I felt weak and helpless, I missed my parents that before wished were dead because of the life they gave me. "Your right, but why would I break down Infront of a serial killer hm?" I growled at Masky, surprising him.
"I'm the only close to sane one in this car, The only sane person you have left to turn to. If you don't talk about the shit that's going through your head now you probably won't have the chance for the rest of your life." Masky sighed, looking over to me. "I'm confused, disgusted really." I began, my grip on the wheel loosened as I calmed down.

"I don't like that I don't know what's about to happen, hell I could see Satan himself at any moment. Maybe he's even in the car with us wide awake with a smile on his face." I whispered, looking at Jeff in the mirror back at him.

"Just survive." Masky stated then turning his head to the side, closing his eyes. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"Heh yea, just survive." I chuckled to myself, I could feel water falling down my face. It's like I cry everyday, it's funny. I had been so dumb my wrist was showing and the bandage had fallen off a bit, the scars that indented the mountain reminded her of what she had done to herself.

I heard a low sigh from behind me, and then as if someone was standing right behind me. I looked in the mirror and made eye contact with Jeff, a smile on his face. His expression was crazed, something I have seen on his face a couple times but only when having traumatic flash backs.

"Crash the car." He whispered in my ear, his warm breath radiating off of my neck. I ignored him, keeping my eyes on the road. "Wouldn't it be so fun? Just me and you... Not having to worry about them and yet we could dance in their blood?" He whispered once again, using his hand to push a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His voice seeming so calm for such a horrendous act.

Narrator's POV

The smiling killer kept on trying to make the young girl commit an act that would make her and her team mates lose all trust together.

The boy wanted to test how much the girl trusted him, he was doing all of this just for fun.
The girl on the other hand didn't want to risk the other people's lives in the van, but also thought this could be a way out and be one with my family again.

"C'mon y/n, we could run away together. We could find Jonah and be one.big.happy. family." The boy smiled, sending chills up the girls spine.
She knew deep down how much she didn't want to believe him but he would be abusive, not that he isn't already but would hurt Jonah without thinking. Jonah seemed so happy with his mom and she wouldn't be able to take him away, the girl can't be a mother, she's only 16-17 years old.
And the boy was 24. The boy had been 24 for ten years, but still thought like a fifteen year old boy.

"Jeff, sit down." The girl growled, looking over to Masky hoping the man would wake up. "No y/n,
Think about it. Crashing the car we could be together either way, in life and in death." The boy hissed, bringing his lips up to her neck. Slowly kissing it thinking his lustful ways would make her wrap around his finger, but it didn't. She kept on driving straight and keeping her eyes locked on the road. The only way he could get her to crash the car would be him crashing the car, but that's not fun.

He slowly leaned closer to the front of the car, going under her arms that laid on the wheel. His hands soon reaching under the girls top, knowing this would spark something and make her freak out. He brought his hand up to her breast, and continued kissing her. Than it did it, the girls head only showing images of those nights in her bedroom where the monster wasn't under the bed but waiting outside of the door.

She screamed, her hands going off of the wheel and began clawing at her attackers hands. "Stop! Get off!!! I don't want to!!!" The girl screamed, her body going into a panic attack. That suddenly woke all the passengers up to manic laughing and a girl pleading for him to stop. Hoodie quickly unbuckled and stood up, pushing Jeff down and Masky quickly leaning over and gripping the staring wheel then pulling over on the side of the road.

"What the fuck!" Toby screamed, bolting up.
"You stupid mother fucker!" Hoodie shouted, punching Jeff repeatedly in his face with Jeff still laughing at the whole moment he was craving to happen. Y/n sat in the front seat, holding her chest and tears falling down her cheeks and onto her clothing. Masky sat in the passengers side rubbing his head thinking of what just happened.
The girl was shaking, memories of nightmares being the only thing she could hear and see.

"Why the fuck did you do that?! You sick fucking bitch!" Toby shouted at Jeff, joining in the screaming with Hoodie. Kate sat there not knowing what happened, but focused on y/n and her breathing. After about ten minutes Jeff stopped laughing, and the beating was done. Everyone sat silent in the van, Jeff soon came back to his normal self taking in of what he had just done, making him feel as if he was going to vomit.

"Y/n, i-im am so sorry." Jeff trembled while getting out of the car and walking to her side, opening her door and taking her body against his. "Get the fuck away from her, it will just send her into another panic attack." Kate huffed, running her hands through her thick hair. But Jeff didn't care, he had to make sure that the only thing left in this world loved him. "Y/n, that wasn't me." Jeff whispered, rubbing her back. Jeff pulled her out of the car and sat down in the ditch, letting the girls body lay against his right shoulder. Their bodies sitting on the damn grass besides the van, under the stars that were covered up with hazy clouds.

"That wasn't me, it was him. Do you still love me?!" Jeff asked, and then repeated over and over again. Y/n was breathing just not responding to him, was she ignoring him? Jeff cupped her face in his palms and brought her eyes into view, they were still "active" but it came to his head that she was dissociating, thankfully she would forget this once she woke up.

But this would only add to her trauma.

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