sage was doing some last minute touches with her makeup, having already packed her bag with the necessities, when the doorbell rang. she looked at herself in the mirror doing a sharpay and taking some deep breaths. she looked at her outfit one more time, satisfied with her choice. nice enough for a date but casual enough in her mind.
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(outfit for the date)
sage looked in the peephole before opening the door and started smiling at the sight of a smiling drew. when she opened the door she was met with a beautiful bouquet of her favourite flowers
drew's eyes lit up and his mouth slightly opened.
sage chuckled nervously "is there something on my face?" she touched her cheeks and patted down her hair
drew gently took her hand off her face and held it "no! i mean no, you just look beautiful." he blushed a bit and handed sage her flowers
sage put her hand on her chest "thank you drew, these are actually my favourite flowers."
"i know, i asked jd." he said scratching the back of his neck.
sage felt fluttering in her stomach and pulled drew into a hug "that is so sweet, i'm gonna put these in some water and then we can go." she spoke into his rapidly beating chest and he held onto her tight.
after a 15 minute drive they seemed to be in a big field with some large trees and some daises. drew opened his door and quickly went to the passenger side to open sage's door
he went to the trunk of his car and pulled out a large basket, and came round to meet sage
"ready?" he asked, wiping his sweaty hand on his trousers
"ready." she replied
drew locked the car, placing the keys in his pocket and gently grabbed sage's hand, interlocking their fingers, she looked up at him and smiled. "if you've not already guessed we're having a picnic, it's going to take about 5 minutes to walk to the spot i've picked out so luckily you didn't wear heels because they would've sunk in the grass."
during the brisk walk the two caught each other up on their weekends, drew shyly admitted how nervous he was asking her out and sage admitted how happy she was to receive the message. she laughed at hearing about jd's response to their situation knowing how easy it was to make her cousin uncomfortable and finding joy in his pain.
as they got closer to the picnic spot, sage could see a large sheet hung next to a tree and a projector not far from there
she looked around in awe as he set up the blanket and started taking out and placing the food down. after looking around for a minute or so sage sat down opposite drew