Chapter 3

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A/N: this might not make 100% sense because I am writing this over multiple days and during school because why not? :D lol anyways onto the story

No one's POV:
"Wolfsbane go put wit in restraints and put her in one of the cells and once you're done with that enter a different cell and rest, I see you're slipping a bit with staying alert" Andrias commanded Wolfsbane nodded and went to find the cells inside the castle, "General Yunnan and Lady Olivia will assist you with finding the cells and putting you in yours" Andrias added as General Yunnan and Lady Olivia froze in place and quickly stood up properly, Yunnan saluting "Will do King Adrias", once Andrias acknowledged their agreement Yunnan and Lady Olivia turned and led Wolfsbane to the cells, once it put marcy into restraints and entered a separate cell Yunnan locked the cells and left with Lady Olivia. Anne then powered down and fell onto the ground unable to move her muscles, after a couple of minutes full of anne trying to move she gave up and took a nap

hours later

Marcy jolted up and tried to put a hand to her aching head but couldn't, she looked around trying to make sense of what happened as her eyes adjusted to the darken room, once her eyes adjusted to the room she noticed that she's in one of the cells she saw as she lived with the king- as she finished that thought she tensed up recalling what happened before she woke up in here, she moved around making noise to get someone's attention but to her avail it didn't work so she looked at her restraints planning something, she knew how strong it was but she also knew how they work so if she could bypass the mechanism she would be free, she was so lost in thought she didn't notice the figure in front of her cell until they spoke
"Human, I see you're planning something but it wont work, you're up against something way more stronger then the king so forget your plan" they informed as Marcy looked up to the figure, she her face formed an annoyed look as the figure stood there looking down at Marcy who sat on the ground "again, my name is Marcy, what do you suggest I do Yunnan? and where is lady Olivia?" Marcy questioned as she stood up, Yunnan stared at marcy not saying a word, the silence was awkward so marcy went to say something when she heard someone else say "Ugh... my whole body..." Yunnan tensed up when she heard it but marcy recognised the voice "Anne? Anne are you ok?" Marcy yelled after a bit Anne responded "Yea- No- I don't know! My body is not working with me and I don't even know where I am or what is going on"
Yunnan then quickly walked away from marcy's cell leaving her confused, she knows Anne and she has never done anything that would scare General Yunnan Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched & The youngest newt ever to achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army, the worse Yunnan as seen anne do was knock a guard out with her head out of anger and yunnan has fought pirates with me so a mere headbutt shouldn't scare her and even if it did Anne doesn't sound angry, just confused, worried and exhausted, Marcy looked at her restraints again and she muttered about what Yunnan had told her, "something stronger then the king? was she talking about Anne? is that why I'm in a cell? is she in a cell like this?" Marcy's head snapped up when she heard a bang followed by an groan of pain "A-Anne? are you ok?" Marcy yelled "Yea! I managed to finally stand up after laying on the floor for hours but it seems my body is still exhausted" Anne answered almost immediately, Marcy moved around a bit loosening the restraints and freeing her hands, she then moved onto her restraint on her leg, using her hairclip she freed herself and she grabbed the restraints that were on her hands in case someone were to walk by, she walked to the cell bars and looked at the locking mechanism and figured a way to free herself, when she heard 2 sets of footsteps one booming and the other quiet and graceful and a nearby door opening she quickly ran to where her foot restraint was and quickly put the restraints on forgetting to put her hairclip back in her hair, when the 2 figures reached to her cell they stopped and looked at Marcy, it was Lady Olivia and King Andrias, lady Olivia looked concerned and worried but she is hiding it under a neutral expression and king Andrias looked like he regrets something but cant show weakness, they stared at each other in silence until Andrias finally spoke "Marcy I have a proposition for you, you can be with your friends forever but you must work with me in exchange, if you deny this, say goodbye to seeing your friends"

as Andrias spoke lady Olivia noticed Marcy's missing her hairclip and the restraints don't seem as secure as she remember so she looked at Marcy and pointed at her own hair trying to signal Marcy that she's missing her hairclip and that would seem suspicious since her restraints were looser then previously and Marcy noticed lady Olivia's abnormal behaviour and quickly acted on the new knowledge and hid the hairclip, Marcy stared at the tyrant thinking about his proposition, after a bit of silence Andrias spoke "I'll leave you to think about it, I request an answer by tomorrow" he and lady Olivia then walk away, Marcy heard the 2 sets of feet but then only the quiet and graceful set of feet then a door opening and closing

Anne glared at the giant tyrant with hatred as he stood in front of her cell "I see you're awake now, it seems that it has a limit... no worries, I can work around that" Andrias announced "Who are you? why am I in here? what has a limit?" Anne spat, Andrias didn't answer instead he walked away muttering something

With Sasha and the others:

Sasha paced around thinking of a plan as the Planters watched with caution, grime just sat nearby cleaning the hammer "I know you 3 don't trust me and that's totally understandable but right now we need to figure out how to get the girls back from that tyrant's grasp! and before you ask no, the blue glowing powers thing or as Marcy would call it 'Anime powers' isn't a human thing, yes, I'm fine, just a lot of bruises, a nose bleed, maybe a broken bone or a few and no I will not heal up, but that isn't the point, do any of you know what the tyrant could need with Marcy and Anne or whatever that thing is now" Sasha said, the planters shook their heads, sprig spoke up "did anyone else hear the distinct murmurs in between what king Andrias had said? and there was a light like when the gems led us to the 2nd and 3rd temples that shot at Anne, could those 2 things be connected somehow? would that mean that you and Marcy could also become like Anne and work for him?" Sasha hummed acknowledging what sprig had said "I did hear the murmurs as well, I cant be sure about their connection and I'm pretty sure that Marcy and I wont be like Anne as Andrias had said that she didn't charge her gem fully but I'm sure Marcy and I did, did you see what happened when Anne charged her stone?" Hop-pop answered "we didn't, she just disappeared after a newt she yelled at waved her staff and then reappeared minutes later with the gem charged" "did someone else disappear when Anne did?" Sasha asked "Yea, the newt Anne yelled at after she deemed that none of us are worthy of the stones even after Anne risked her life for other people 2 times disappeared at the same time as Anne" Polly answered, grime then piped in "describe the newt so we can find her" "She has dark brown skin with a yellow underbelly, and yellow spots along her tail. She has light red eyes, with slit, dark shaded red pupils, and medium length, grayish-blonde hair. One of her eyes appears slightly out of shape. She's missing her right arm, but uses her tail as a replacement. when we saw her she wore a stitched black hood with beige armbands. She also had a hanging red and black pendant and gold rings on her neck" Hop-pop described as Sasha sketched the newt, once she finished she showed the Planters and they said that it looks like the newt

To Be Continued

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