Chapter 6

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"Why leaving so soon? We have so much to talk about" The figure says. Everyone gasped recognising the voice "Y-you... you're the one who did this to me..." Anne uttered full of fear "Me? Oh no, I didn't lock you up, you did that yourself and I didn't get you trapped here, where you're not normal and seen as a monster. That was because of the girl you're close too, Marcy wu" Andrias explained "What..." Anne said surprised as she backed away from everyone, Marcy, Lady Olivia and Yunnan turned to Anne surprised by her reaction, "A-anne, you don't remember?" Marcy asked, Anne shook her head "The box must have done something to Boonchuy there, the powers are a lot for a human. You humans are so weak and gullible" Andrias observed, "How did you know about what we were doing?" Lady Olivia asked "well it's simple, we have been watching you, nowhere in the castle is safe from our watch" Andrias explains as an orange eye opened up on his crown "Huh... wha?" Marcy said confused. The ground started shaking "its near..." Anne muttered in fear, "What's nearby?" Yunnan asked, a humongous orb monster with tentacles and covered in eyes entered the room "What in the-" Lady Olivia yells as it enters, it's larger then King andrias, "You see, my lord needs a body but it doesnt want just any body... it wants a body worthy of it's intelligence and now my lord has 2 subjects" Andrias explains. Marcy's expression changed from one of anger and confusion to one of realisation "It can use my intelligence or Anne's powers... i..." Marcy uttered realising how much she messed up the lesbian newts and Anne looked at marcy "Andrias... take me, anne doesnt deserve to suffer because of me... and I have the intelligence to beat you in flipwart when you had that helping you so it seems fair" she announced, Lady Olivia disagreed with the idea "But-" Lady Olivia started "No. i deserve this, specially after getting Anne and Sasha stuck here for my own gain" Marcy cuts Lady Olivia off "well then, my lord one of the bodies has volunteered" Andrias says as he turned towards the core behind him, then it grabbed marcy by her face and carried her to a chair in a room underground everyone followed behind most worried for the girl but andrias followed calmly his expression showing a bit of regret. Once the core placed his body onto the chair a helmet lowered down towards the girl who had restricted movement, a second after the helmet was placed on marcy's head she started to scream her lungs out, Yunnan, Lady Olivia and Anne watched in horror as Andrias looked away, soon the orb powered down and fell onto the ground causing anne to fall over and marcy's body went limp, "The time has finally come for the core to lead us to our destiny. But what destiny you ask? Well, I suppose I should let it speak for itself" Andrias announced, then marcy's body started to move bones cracking with every movement "Why hello there" m̸̙̹̟͖̻̠͉̉͊͋̉ͅą̴̟̰̱̠̪̩̑r̵̨̯͔̖̰̈́̌̆̾͐́̍c̶̛̛̪̹̹̫̓̀͆̒̓̔̕͝ȳ̷͈̰̥͓̭̪̭̦͊͂̆̑̕͜͜  said "Wh-who are you?" Yunnan uttered "aw... you forgot little old me... it's still marcy" It laughed "but i suppose referring to me as the body's name is not the best idea... hm" It then shut off it eyes and thought for a second before opening them "How about calling me Darcy, it seems fit" Darcy suggested, King andrias nodded "Anyways about these two" Darcy said as it turned to Lady Olivia and Yunnan "They seem defective... lock them up until we can fix them" they commanded "Yes my lord but what about anne boonchuy?" King andrias asked "Boonchuy can be useful, lock her in one of the stronger cells due to her... abilities" Darcy answered "Yes my lord" Andrias bows his head and takes the three into their cells

With Sasha:
"So this newt had alot of things with grey gems like the calamity box when it was uncharged which I haven't seen since the first time I saw the box since ending up here was in the third temple and it was somewhat charged then?" Sasha asked trying to understand what sprig had explained which sprig nodded "And she seemed to know about the box since she was guardian of the 2nd temple?" Sasha continued? Sprig nodded again "and we have no clue where she is. Right?" Sprig nods "Fuck... why don't we check the second temple since that's where you people last saw her" Sasha suggested "That's a good idea Sasha!, which isnt surprising for you since you been working with the toads for the last 5 months" Sprig comments "It was actually less then that... i spent some time in a cell when i first got here" Sasha explained, there was a silence between the 2 for a moment before sasha broke it "I should explain the plan to the others, mind getting them all here?" Sasha requested "Will do!" Sprig answers he then hops away to get Grime, Polly and Hopadiah. after a while Polly runs in with a horrified sprig in tow
(A/N: I feel the same sprig, I have read a few fanfics that had some lemons in it-)

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