The Party

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Lauren's POV:

When I got home, Erin and I ran straight to our rooms. Jake was throwing a party tonight at his house, God knows what for, and he wanted us to get there early so we could help him set things up. When he said that, Erin and I fell on the floor laughing. He looked so worried about how this party was going to turn out and he desperately needed help. I couldn't help it. He just made me crack up.

I walk over to my wardrobe and pulled out a few dresses. A thin strapped aqua dress that went to my knee, and a strapless pink silk dress caught my eye.

"Erin!" I yelled out to her.

"Yo ho," was her reply.

"I need help."

"Of course you do. Can you please help me to?"

"Yeah, yeah, just come here please"

Erin came running into my room with a handful of clothes on coat hangers.

"Which one?" I asked, laying the dresses on my bed.

She looked at them thoroughly and shook her head. "Neither."

"What?" I sighed out.

She fumbled with the coat hangers and pulled out some new denim jeans. "Find a top to go with these. Now can you help me with my crisis?"

She shoved the jeans into my hands and she dashed into her room. I walked in behind her as she was laying her options out. I swear she pulled out her entire wardrobe.

"Which one?" She said biting her nail.

I pointed to a mini skirt and a tank top then walked over to her wardrobe and pulled off a fat belt with a nice oval centre piece.

She smiled. "Thank you."

I winked at her and ran back into my room. I opened my wardrobe and looked through my tops, eventually grabbing a flora orange tank top and a denim jacket to go over the top. Unbuttoned, of course.

I slipped on the top and jeans before heading to the bathroom where Erin was leaning over the bench, doing her mascara. I didn't like caking my face with makeup, but I liked a little bit of eye makeup and a little bit of lip gloss. I grabbed the neutral coloured eye shadow and the black mascara and quickly applied it; then I grabbed the strawberry lip gloss and rubbed that on lightly.

I moved the entire make up case over to Erin's side where she was now applying her blush, and I fixed my hair. There were still some nice curls in it from today so I left my hair down and hung it over my shoulder.

"Oh beautiful," Erin complimented, smiling at me.

"Why thank you."

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my heels that were lying just outside the door. "C'mon, Erin, hurry up already." I snatched up my phone and zipped it inside my purse, walking out the door as I did. I started walking down the street towards Jake's house. It wasn't that far away.

I walked for about twenty seconds until I heard someone trying to run in heels. I smirked, knowing that it was Erin and I walked faster.

"Oy! Loza, don't do that."

I slowed down so that she could catch up, and I stood there watched her puffing in an attempt to cath her breath.

"Did you lock the door?"

She nodded and breathed heavily. "Don't- do- that- again," she strained in between breaths.

I laughed at her as we crossed the road to Jake's house.

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