The Homecoming

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Matt's POV:

I was walking out of the school grounds feeling an exciting buzz throughout my body. Today was my last day in Perth. I was finally going home to see everyone I cared for. I made my way down the streets to where I meet my taxi driver. I stood there waiting. I looked down at my phone; he'd be here in five minutes. He always comes at three thirty, every day, never earlier, never later.

I leaned against a light pole and looked around me at all the students walking home. Some walked by themselves, some walked in great big packs, and others walked with their siblings.

"Hey" I heard a voice from behind me. I whizzed around to see Kellie standing there with a shy smile on her face.

"Hi" I replied. I was a bit confused. She never came down here, ever.

"I just wanted to know if you were doing anything tonight. As a friend?" She looked down at the ground then up at me through her eyelashes. Chills ran down my spine and my mind was telling me to seriously just walk away.

I shook my head at her "I'm leaving tomorrow. I get to finally go home, so I'm sort of packing with mum tonight" I explained.

Her smile dropped and I could tell that her mood changed. She was going to crack and have a go at me. It was so clear on her face.

As if on cue, my taxi pulled up and I practically ran towards it, jumping in the front seat and telling my taxi driver to go.

"Uh. Was that your girlfriend?"

The driver asked with a weird face.

I scrunched up my face "What? No! My girlfriends at home. That's Kellie. She has...issues" I breathed out, looking behind me at where she was still staring at the taxi. What a creep.

"So this is your last ride" the driver stated.

"Nah, one more, if you could take us to the airport tomorrow morning, that would be much appreciated" I was practically asking him to, but he knew what I meant.

"Sure thing" he answered, turning towards the street where the apartment block stood. He pulled up out the front of it and looked over at me.

"What?" I looked down, trying to see if there was anything on my clothes.

"Nothing mate, I'll see you tomorrow" He said almost softly.

I smiled and gave a little wave as I hopped out of the car and headed inside. I made my way towards our room and opened it with my keys.

Mum was inside with an ironing board and her suitcases. I smiled at her as she neatly pressed them and folded them into her suitcase. She looked up at me. "Hey, how was your last day?" She asked, looking back down, grabbing another shirt. I tossed my bag down onto the ground and locked the door. Mum looked up at me and frowned. "Uhh? Why'd you lock the door?" Confusion and concern were the prominent emotions in her tone as she placed the iron down at placed the shirt with the others.

"Just in case Kellie comes by to scream at me" I told her, walking towards the room I was staying in.

"What did you do too her?" Mum's voice rose a little bit and she followed me into the room.

I raised my hands up in surrender "Hey, I didn't do anything wrong. She asked me if I wanted to catch up with her tonight and I simply told her that I couldn't because I was leaving and I had to help you pack up" I walked towards the cupboard in the corner of the room and pulled open the doors, grabbing my cases down from the top shelf.

Mum walked in and sat down on the bed with a confused look and a creased forehead as if she was thinking too hard. "She got angry over that?" Mum made a face and shook her head, standing up from my bed and walking out of the room with a sigh. "I don't even want to know" She mumbled on her way out.

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