Part - 1 - Favor

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(10 am in the morning)

"Y/n!! We're here!" A man with black hair yelled while waving his hand telling his friend his location..

The girl ran towards the boy and his two other friends behind him...

"Shin! Guys! Hello long time no see huh..!" She said while panting...

"Yeah nice to see you again y/n!" Shin said

"So why'd you want to meet us?" A blonde man ask who have two dorayaki on his both hand..

"So um..i need a favor? If you don't mind?" She said answering the man...

"Hmm.. what kind?" Another man behind the blonde ask who has a white hair and is as tall as the blonde..

"Well, I just want you guys to protect someone very important to me... But that's fine if you don't want too, totally fine.."

"Oh? who is this person." They ask...

"Well, i have this little brother, he is really special to me but because of me he is in danger right now.." She said with a quite of a sad tone while making an eye contact with the three...

"Didn't know you have little brother but continue.." Shin said

"Yeah i have one, he is also 2 years younger than mikey and izana...i think?" She replied with a small smile...

"So as i was saying..he is being targeted right now because of my past doings...with um you guys??..You know the gang thing?"

"So i want to ask you guys or anyone in your group who is trustworthy to..kinda be with him for a while? While i beat the crap out of the ants?" She continued..

"Hmm....we'll think about it"
Shin replied..

"Yeah we'll think about it y/n" mikey said with a small smile

"What is his name btw?" Izana ask...

"Oh! His name is Takemichi!"
She said excitedly with a big smile on her face

"What a nice name" Izana said while shin and mikey agree..

" Thank you guys although i don't mind if you don't accept " She said with a big bright smile on her face...

"Yeah no problem Y/n.." mikey said...

"Yeah...We might be able help you so don't worry" Shin also said to make her feel a bit fine...

After she told them about her little brother, they hangout a little bit..

(12:36 pm)

Time pass and after hanging out they were about to say goodbye to each other but y/n remembered that she will be going out with her brother takemichi later to have dinner, so she invited them to come with them too, the boys agreed and then asked if the others can come and y/n said yes and they said their goodbyes...


I hope you guys liked the start and im really sorry for the bad English, so please go easy on me because this is my first fanfic, not the first story but not the second fanfic i made...

Have a good day and hope you liked it ^^!!

Shit i re-read this and in this goodbye part i just ment that my other fanfic are in draft🗿 sorry 'bout that..


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