Part 4 - Shy ( a bit of a character info)

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While waiting for the food they ordered, some decided to go play video games and some decided to hangout on the balcony.

Now since takemichi knows no one except the four people he came here with and her sister, he just decided to go to y/n's room because he's sure that not a single person is there. He knows that Y/n doesn't allow her friends to be in her room because she has a collection of pictures of michi and some mangas and novels that she suspiciously doesn't want to show anyone.

But before going there, michi wanted to make sure that her sister wont panic about finding him.

Some Characters Information

/Now now my lovely readers, i don't like putting pictures of y/n because i don't know if you'll like them but i just gotta show you an example of how stunning you still are at the age of 40/

/Now now my lovely readers, i don't like putting pictures of y/n because i don't know if you'll like them but i just gotta show you an example of how stunning you still are at the age of 40/

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/You don't smoke don't worry, pretend you are fake smoking for a fanzy photoshoot for your profile shit/

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/You don't smoke don't worry, pretend you are fake smoking for a fanzy photoshoot for your profile shit/

/You don't smoke don't worry, pretend you are fake smoking for a fanzy photoshoot for your profile shit/

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/Stunning right(⁠ ⁠'⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠'⁠)??/

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/Stunning right(⁠ ⁠'⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠'⁠)??/

Y/n -

Age - 40 (you are still absolutely stunning even at this age)

(2022 - 1982 = 40)

Nicknames people give her:

Tutor (she's smart and sometimes teach her comrades before they take a test)

Calm tiger (when she is in a bad situation her face will look expressionless and she will act smoothly.)

One thing people didn't know is that when she's expressionless she's really mad mad, so in order to calm herself she would stay quiet and think about killing her opponent until it satisfy but not really killing them, only in her mind. And then when it's time to fight she do it smoothly

Nicknames she give to people:

Comrades - to her gang members and close friends to annoy them but it doesn't work

ants - enemies and people who annoys her

ugly monkey - his close friends or best friends

Lovely angel, Corgi, fluffy chicks - to takemichi....


Takemichi -

Age - 31

(2022 - 1991 = 31)

He doesn't give people names but people give him names like

Cutie, cry baby, corgi, dummy angel, and softie..

And as you can see the age yes yes clearly y/n doesn't know some shit about michi but yeah...


Ok wait no we'll stop here because i have too many shenanigansinmymindandidontknowifiwillbeabletofitthemhere-

Ok stop....les go

Back to the story

Takemichi leaves a message to her sister, saying that he will be going on her room.

Best Sister(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

Takemichi: Sis, im just gonna go to your room and sleep for a bit

You can call me when the food's here (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


After doing so, michi now got up to his chair and walk towards the stairs.

He arrives at his sister's room, he opens the door then enters. Before laying to bed he maked sure to close the door, michi then turned off the lights then layed to the bed.

Takemichi's Pov:

"..huh?.." I woke up... nowhere, not in my sister's room...not in my room..i don't know where am i...

"Wait..wait...where..a-am I..?"

??: T..takemich--mi---chi..tak---ke--mich-ta..kem-takemichi...

"What....?" I heard a voice saying my name... 'is it..calling for me..?' I thought..

I was in a feild of grass, green and beautiful grass!..there are some flowers too! But...

Im confused why im here..

"Take-chan!" Then a voice calling out startled doesn't sound like the people i know..

But then as the voice calling out is getting closer and closer, 'now... think i know who this is...' i thought and u guess because im still not sure if they are the one i think of..

"Yoo! Takemichi!" A third but very familiar voice called again, but it's different to the first and second...


I beg as my surroundings begins to blur and
I.... start to fall..

-end of pov-



"...michi!...take...chi!" Said a voice from a very worried sister

When she was heard shouting some guys have came to her room out of worried ness

They came rushing in the room and witnessed a crying sister and a awake but confused little brother...

Im sorry for coming back so long i really tried continuing this as soon as possible but i keep running out of time...

Now guys I'll talk to u again after 2 more chapters uploaded^^

Edit: Guys!! So sorry! I cane back really really late! I was really busy with my studies but i didn't expect it to be this busier👁️👄👁️

I hope you liked it, though it's too short🗿
I will be working on the oyer chao tomorrow, i know i promised a 3 update but this all i cab give you rn🗿

Im really sorry! -jan 28, 2023

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