Part - 2 - Takemichi's Pov

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(this is what michi's doing while the four hangout)

Takemichi's Pov:

(12:10 pm)

I was with emma and hina earlier in the mall to hangout, eat and buy clothes for them, we were bored at my house and we have nothing to do so we decided to go out. They want me to buy clothes for myself too but I don't want too and because I also want to save money cuz im not that rich

After all that we were tired but still decided to go to a park near the mall. After we got there emma said her legs are tired...well us too but she is wearing a not that high heels but ehh.. Anyways she also said she is hungry again and me too so i told them to find a bench while i buy food for the three of us, yeah three cuz i figure hina might be hungry too. Before i go and buy us some food i told them I'll just look for them or they could call me to tell where they are

While buying food i saw a familiar face not that far from the burger truck i was buying food from. When they saw me they ran towards me, then i realize they are not alone another guy behind his back getting dragged by the guy and i also found out that those two guys were hanma and kisaki, kisaki was the one getting dragged:>..

"Yoo! Take-chan!" Hanma said with a big smile while dragging kisaki towards me...

"Oh..he-hello?" I said stuttering but didn't know stupid |•-•|

"What are you doing here michi?" Kisaki asked

"Oh im here with emma and hina, im buying us food" I said

"Oh where did you guys go?" Kisaki asked me, i don't know why but he kinda sounded cold? Ehh it might be me only..

"Oh we were at the mall earlier, we are buying clothes for them"

"Oh why didn't you invited us T-T" Hanma said with a sad tone..

"Ahahaha...haha sorry" I said

"It's fine michi, don't mind this idiot..Oh and your order is ready i think.." Kisaki said smacking Hanma's head making him rub his head and say ow..

"Ahh your right.. thx" I said and thought "this is quite... Awkward?.."

After getting my order and paying for it, Hina texted me their location, hanma and kisaki said that they will go with me and help me find the two..even though i don't need their help..

It didn't took us 5 minutes to find them, but when we got there emma's mood suddenly change. She went from •v• to (눈‸눈) and i think i know why, because kisaki and hanma is here, see.... Kisaki liked hina before and he'd do anything for her, he's like a stalker manipulative bitch -_-

But now they're just good friends now hina is ok with it now they're friends, but...emma still didn't forgive kisaki yet, because of him hina didn't enjoy her high school life that much. Of course who would not get mad if your best friend is getting stalked by some creep.

Anyways, back to where we are now, emma stand up after seeing me walking to them with kisaki and hanma,

"Why is he here?!" Emma questioned

" we saw each other while i was ordering us some food..." I said while lowering my head worried that she'll yell at me

But to my surprise she just sighed and when i look up hina was holding her hand and saying that it's ok..

"Im sorry to bother you three..we will be leaving now" Kisaki said

"Awww? Why ...?" Hanma pouts then kisaki just headchop him

"Oh well.. before you guys go would you want to eat with us first?" Our little angle hina said while smile so cutely

"Oh no, it's fine we just want to help hanagaki find you guys so we'll be leaving now" He said while bowing and making sure that hanma do the same thing too he looked at him still he did what I'll do too, (don't know how to explain itTT)

So they said their goodbyes and left. After they left i got a message from my big sister,


Best sister( ╹▽╹ )

Best sister: Hello michi!!!

Hi sis what do you

Best sister: Well it's for the dinner tonight, some of my friends are going too.

Is that ok with

Oh don't worry it's
fine :>

Is it also fine to
invite some of my

Best sister: duh! Of course if mine are fine to you of course your friends are too!

Oh that's good,
alright see u!

Best sister: ( ╹▽╹ )



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