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Isaiah pulled the house keys from his pockets and opened the door. We entered the house. It was modern but also had an homey feel. He locked the door and turned towards me.
"Ok look. I want to make some things clear."
I look at him confused.
"The room downstairs to our left is the master bedroom where we'll stay but i won't sleep with you there. There's a guest room upstairs I'll stay there. But I'll keep some of my things in the bedroom if someone comes so that they dont doubt we sleep separately. I hope it's clear."
He asks raising a brow. I nod and walk towards the bedroom. It had a king size bed,  a closet to the right, a dressing table near it and a bathroom. I was admiring the view outside through the window. It was full moon day and the moonlight was beautiful. Suddenly the scent of Cedar wood entered the room. I looked back to see Isaiah standing nervously near the bed.
"Umm i think we should do the marking before the day ends."
My heart beats rapidly thinking about it. I nod and walk towards the bed.
"Umm how should we do it?"
He thinks for a few minutes and gets on the bed. He pats his lap signaling me to sit there. I blush at the thought of being close to our mate. I crawl towards the bed and straddle his waist. His hands find it's way to my hips gripping it tightly. This is awkward.
"May i ?"
He asks his hands hovering over my scent gland. I nod giving him my consent. He touches the area with his fingers gently rubbing it. He leans forward and presses his nose to my scent gland. He takes a deep breath inhaling my scent. Then he starts to pepper small kisses which soon turned into kittenish licks. I tightly gripped his shoulders because of the unfamiliar sensation bubbling in my stomach. Then i feel it. His canines elongating. He scrapes at the skin as if he was testing. Then before i could register it his canines were piercing my neck. I let out a cry of pleasure. He removed his canines licking off the blood. Then he started to scent me aggressively. He started to kiss my neck. He made his way towards my jaw. But suddenly he pushed me away as if he remembered something. He looks confused. Before I could ask what's the problem he dashed his way through the door. I hear the front door open and close. Meaning he went outside. Tears started to flow through my face as the realization of our mate abandoning us after marking us. Onyx whimpered and curled into a fetal position. I lay down on the bed pulling the blanket on me.


What was that feeling? When i marked Sky it was as if i was lost in a trance. I suddenly pushed him away. I know my actions hurt him but i couldn't stay there where his scent mixed perfectly with mine. I walked my way towards Evelyn's house. I entered her room through the window. I know her parents are in the house and they would ask me questions if they saw me now.  She was scrolling through her phone laying on the bed. When she sensed my presence she jumped from the bed ran towards me. I kissed her hard picking her up. She put her legs around my waist and i walked towards the bed. We were having a heated make out session. Luca was nagging in the back of my mind for touching someone who's not our mate. I pulled away from kissing her. She looks at me confusingly.
"What's wrong Isaiah?"
"Nothing. Can i stay the night here? Please?"
I ask her pleading. She nods her head. We lay down with her cuddling up to me. I'll leave in the early morning. I just need to clear  my mind. With that i was pulled into a deep slumber.


Isaiah is not back. I woke up early took a shower and was in the kitchen making breakfast for both of us. I went upstairs to the guest room to wake Isaiah but guess he didn't came back last night. Suddenly i hear the front door open and fresh cedar wood scent invades the house along with a hint of jasmine. Wait.. Did he seriously went to see his girlfriend after marking me? Did they have sex?
"I was calling you but you were zoning out. Are you okay?"
I put a fake smile and nodded my head.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I  don't know what came over me. And i just want to say that if in the near future if i ever try to you know.."
He looks at me hoping i would understand. But i just tilt my head confused.
"Arrgh if i ever try to touch you or be intimate with you its because of the mating bond not because I'm interested or i have feelings for you."
Ouch. The truth hurts. I gave him a small smile.
"Oh i understand. I think the incident that happened yesterday was because of the mating bond. Oh i made breakfast for us."
"Oh I'll be back after a shower. You can start eating."
When he left upstairs to take a shower did i let my tears flow down. I had a hard time masking my sour scent. I don't want him to know I'm  upset. After a few minutes Isaiah came downstairs freshly showered wearing a loose sweatpants and black tank top. My mate is handsome. He sat near me. He poured his coffee in his mug and started cutting the pancakes i made. He made a low approving moan. Guess he liked the pancakes.
"This shit is good. Did you make it?"
He looks at me. I nodded sipping my coffee.
"Are you going to the packhouse today?"
Since his office is still at the pack house he still has to go there for meetings and stuff.
"Yes. I think we have a few meetings with the hunting group and patrolling group."
I looked at him and i couldn't control my laughter. He was looking like a chipmunk with his cheeks full.
"What? What is it?"
He touched his face confusingly. I tried to take his plate but he beat me to it. I gave him a quizzical look.
"You go change the clothes. I'll do the dishes."
He gets from his seat and moves to the sink. I go to my room and searches through my closet to decide my outfit. Since its my first day being the Luna i want to look respectable and also impress the pack members. I opted for a beige trousers and a Celine T-shirt with a grey blazer. I dab some lip gloss on my lips and grab my phone before leaving the room. When i reached downstairs i see Isaiah waiting for me. He's wearing a black jeans and black T-shirt with a denim jacket. He must like black a lot. He stared at me for a second and looked away.
"You ready?"
"Yep. Let's go."
He picked the car keys and locked the house.


We got into the car and started driving towards the pack house. Aidan brought the car yesterday. The car ride was silent but not uncomfortable. We reached the pack house and saw Noah and Alexander talking to my parents. They looked at us when they saw the car pull over. I opened the door and before i know it Sky was  running and hugging Noah. He always had a special bond with him. I walked towards them.
"You going already? Why can't you stay for a few days?"
"We wanted to  but Alex had some pack issues to deal with."
Noah gave me a sad smile.
"Don't worry we'll come back soon. "
Alex tries to comfort my brother   by hugging his waist. Noah hugs me and whispers in my ear.
"Take good care of Sky. Don't hurt him or else i will personally kick your ass."
I gulp at his threat and give him an awkward smile. He says goodbye to everyone and gets in the car with Alex.
"Let's go inside."
I take Sky's hand gets inside. He looks taken aback by my action.We receive many curious stares from the pack members. We reached before my dads office. Now my office. I enter the office with Sky following me. I sit at the chair. Feeling the soft leather on my hands.
"Isaiah the beta wants to see you."
I look at Sky who was smiling at me.
"Send him in."
He nods and opens the door. Aidan enters the office with a goofy smile.
"Good morning alpha."
"Man i don't think I'll get used to this."
I lean back on the chair with my hands behind my head. Aidan and Sky chuckles.
"Alpha. I don't want to disturb you and your friend but you have a meeting with the patrolling group in 10 minutes."
Sky says looking at me and my dork of a friend. But i was frozen from hearing him call me alpha. Its the first time hes calling me alpha. When others call me alpha it's because I'm their leader but when Sky calls me alpha it sent shivers through my spine. He's calling that because I'm his mate. His alpha. What am i thinking? I cleared my throat and stands up from the seat.
"Let's go."
We leave the room with Aidan and Sky following me.


That's one hell of a meeting. I don't know how my dad and mom did it. I was sitting on the office chair, Sky and Aidan occupying the couch. I looked over at them. Both exhausted. Wearing the same tired expression.
"I didn't know that being a beta was so tiring. Can i quit?"
Sky slaps Aidan's biceps.
"Dont be such a pussy. It's just a meeting. We'll get through it."
Aidan smiled at Sky. I don't know why but their interaction irked me. I got up from my seat and grabs the car keys from the table.
"Let's go home Sky. I'm starving."
He waves at Aidan and leaves the room with me. When we reach our house i see Evelyn waiting outside the door. I get off from the car and approaches her. She beamed when she saw me. I hugged her and turn back to see Sky walking towards us. He looks sad and disappointed? I don't know his emotions since the marking is not complete. We can mindlink and all but to feel each others emotions we should complete the bond. I tried to smell his pheromone but looks like he's doing a good job at hiding it.
"Hey Evelyn."
"Hey Sky. I bought lunch for Isaiah. You can join us."
She says expecting him to say yes. He nods and we enter the house. We were sitting in the dining table with Evelyn next to me and Sky opposite to me. The lunch was spent with me feeding Evelyn and Sky sparing us some glances now and then.
"I'm done. I'm needed at the pack nursery so I'll be leaving now. Thanks for the lunch Evelyn it was delicious."
With that he left the house without even looking at me. After Sky left Evelyn also left promising to call me later. I went back to the pack house to attend the rest of the meeting. I was walking to the front door when my eyes caught the sight of Sky laughing at something Aidan said. He was holding Aidan's shoulder. He looks beautiful. I felt uneasy seeing it. I shook my head and went to my office.

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