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We reached the pack house and saw some of the members staring at us. Some looked at me with pity, some scared and some were angry? Why?
"I think they know what happened."
Isaiah spoke breaking me from my thoughts.
"Do you think they are angry at me?"
I asked fiddling with my fingers.
He looked at me confused.
"Because I'm a weak Luna."
"Sky the pack members adores you. They would literally protect you with their lives. You really don't know the effect you have on these people do you? And yes their angry. Not at you. They are angry at the person who tried to hurt you. So please don't over think ok?"
I just nod and gets off the car. We made our way to the Pack House front door. I saw an omega and pup approaching me. I think his name is james.
I looked down to see the pup smiling at me. The pup looked at it's omega father who was giving her a encouraging nod.
"Luna this is for you. Me and my papa baked this together."
"Aww thank you sweetie."
I knelt down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She gave me a box filled with cookies.
"My papa said that you were sad and scared so we made these for you. Please don't be sad and don't worry the alpha will protect you so you don't have to be scared."
At this point i had tears gathering in my eyes. I gave her a tight hug and stood up.
"Thank you James."
"It's nothing Luna. I hope you're okay."
He looks at me with concern in his eyes.
"I am ok. I have to go now. Well thank you for the cookies."
With that i walk towards Isaiah who was waiting for me near the door. He had a huge grin on his face. He opened the door for me.
"See i told you they love you."
We made our way to the office. We entered the office and saw Isaiah's and my parents sitting inside. My mom and Charlotte ran to me when they saw us. I was bought to a bone crushing hug by my mom and Charlotte.
"My baby."
My mom whimpered.
"Mom I'm okay. You don't have to worry."
I assure her I'm fine and she and Charlotte asked me some questions.
"Hey Isaiah we are borrowing Sky you can do your job. Ok?"
"But mom.."
"No buts."
He looked at me with concerning eyes. I mouthed him I'll be fine and he nodded his head reluctantly. Me, mom and Charlotte went outside to the Pack Nursery. We played with the pups for hours until it was their nap time. I was holding a pup in my hands and walking across the room rocking the pup to sleep. Few minutes later i heard snores coming from the pup. I gently laid the pup on the mat that was on the floor. I turned back to see mom and Charlotte looking at me with fond looks in their eyes.
"So Sky when can we expect our grandkids?"
Charlotte asks me wiggling her eyebrows.
I blush at her words.
"Well we are not pressuring you but it will be great if we had grandkids to pamper. And we want atleast a dozen of them."
What the fuck!!
"Charlotte I'm not a baby making factory. And we are not thinking about having kids now."
They look disappointed hearing my decision. But what can i do? Me and Isaiah are more like friends than mates. We have never been intimate before.
"Umm I'll go back now. I think i some work left to do."
I left the nursery and walked towards the office. I enter the office without knocking. I saw Isaiah and Aidan talking. They stopped talking when they saw me.
Isaiah looked angry and pissed.
"Okay I'll see you later alpha."
Aidan walked out not before waving at me.
"You look angry. Why?l
I slowly walk towards him and stand just a few steps away from his seat.
"Yeah who wouldn't be angry. I can't even find that bastard who tried to hurt you."
I could literally see his veins on his forehead. I move a little forward and put my hands on his face. I gently caress his cheeks. He leans into my touch and nuzzles my hand.
"Don't worry we'll find him."
Suddenly my stomach grumbles making Isaiah chuckle.
"Looks like someones hungry."
"Shut up."
I tried to say seriously but the smile on my face betrayed me. He stood up from his seat and walk towards his couch. He sat and asked me to come near him. I saw the box of cookies that pup gave me. I sat near him and took one from the box. We just sat there silently eating.
I look at him. He looked so nervous.
"Are you free this weekend?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Well you see i was thinking if you would like to hang out with me this Saturday?"
He asked me scratching his neck.
"Well let me think,"
I acted like i was thinking so hard. "Only if you would buy me cookies. "
He looked relieved. He smiled and moves near me.
"Cookies? Yes. Anything else?"
"Mm ice-cream."
He was still moving towards me.
"Lots and lots of chocolate."
Now he was just inches away from my face. I could feel his hot breaths on my face. We were looking at each other. He brought his hand on my cheek gently stroking.
"I would buy you everything if that brings a smile on your face."
Oh. Goddess.
" Yeah? If i tell you to bring me the moon?"
"If i could i would. But i don't think that's possible."
I smile at him and pecks his cheeks.
"Just kidding."
He just smiles at me. His hand moves from my cheeks to my neck. He presses his thumb softly near my mark. He looks at my neck and back at me.
"Did someone gift you this?"
He was asking about the necklace my grandma gave me.
"Oh it was a gift. My grandma gave it to me. Actually it was a courting gift. My grandpa gave it to my grandma and she gave it to me."
"It's beautiful just like you."
I blush at his comment. We were interrupted by the knocking on the door. Isaiah growls lowly. I punch his biceps.
"Don't be rude."
He just huffs and tells the person to come in. It was Aidan.
"Alpha Peter is awake."
Isaiah just nods and starts to leave with Aidan. I follow him but he blocks my way. He looks at me raising his eyebrows.
"You're not coming today."
"Yeah. I don't want you to see that bastard."
"This involves me Isaiah and i want to be there when you interrogate him."
He sighs and puts his hand on my waist.
"Just not today. Please. I don't want you near him. You can come for the next interrogation. And i want you to go to our suite. Our stuff would be there."
I just pout at him and stomped my way to our suite. I opened the door to the suite. The last time i was here was on my heat. I saw mine and Isaiah's stuff laying there. Since my clothes was all destroyed it was only Isaiah's clothes and my books and sewing kit. I carried the box and started arranging it in the closet. Damn Isaiah has a lot of black clothes. I completed filling the closet with Isaiah's outfits. Next i started putting our toiletries in the bathroom. I saw a diary in the box that had some of my books. It's not mine. I opened it and saw Isaiah written on it's top corner. Oh i didn't know he wrote diary. It won't hurt if i read it right? I looked through it and what i saw made me gasp.
Sky's favorite things:
1) My mom's cookies and sweet pastries
2) Stitching
3) Long walks
4) Picnics
5) His bff Kai
6) pups....
I couldn't stop smiling. Where did he get these information? Wait.. Why does he have this? I just lay down on the bed with the diary safely hid under the pillow. I took a book from the box and started reading it. I was halfway through the book when the door opened revealing a sweaty looking Isaiah. I was pissed. I shouldn't look at him.
I just hummed not looking at him. Isaiah looked at me confused and went to the closet to take his clothes.
"I'm gonna take a shower."
Isaiah was not pleased with my answer. But he let it go for now and walked towards the bathroom. A few minutes later a freshly showered Isaiah entered the room. I didn't even spare him a glance. At this he was getting pissed. I was sitting with my back on the headboard. Isaiah slowly made his way to the opposite side of the bed and got on it. He sat next to me with his back on the headboard. He peeked at the book i was reading.
"You reading?"
Isaiah sighs and moves closer to me.
"Are you still angry that i didn't let you join me for the interrogation??
I close the book and turn my head so that i could see his face. He picks me up and places me on his lap so that I'm straddling him. I look down pouting avoiding his eyes. He places his finger under my chin and makes me look up. He gently rubs our noses together.
"I promise you can join next time. It's just that after everything that happened the last few days I'm on edge. So i can't even let anyone near you."
"Huh fine."
"Good. And please don't avoid me. I hate that you don't give me any attention."
I laugh at that. I gets off his lap and takes the diary from it's hiding place.
"Hey Isaiah is this yours?"
Isaiah looks shocked. He was looking at me with a blush on his face.
"The fuck!!"

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