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After having ice cream both the couples left to go back home. This time Isaiah and Sky was sitting in the front and Kai and Aidan was in the backseat of the car. Sky's mood was changed and he was happy that his alpha wasn't mad at him anymore.
"Kai i would appreciate it if you won't eat my best friend."
Isaiah spoke looking at the couple in the back through the rear view mirror. Sky turned back to see what was happening. And boy he was not ready to see the scene in front of him. Kai was straddling Aidan and kissing the hell out off him. Kai stopped kissing and looked back towards Sky who was blushing.
"Don't give me that look. You two are worse."
Sky scoffed and went back to watching the view through the window. The car ride was silent except for the kissing sounds coming from the backseat. Isaiah had his eyes on the road and he would occasionally throw glances at his omega. Sky knew Isaiah was looking at him but he didn't acknowledge it. Isaiah still gave him butterflies. Suddenly Isaiah's phone rang and he looked who it was. He had an annoyed and scared look when he saw who it was. He quickly hung up and looked back at the road.
"Who was it?"
Sky asked cause he saw how scared Isaiah looked.
"No one."
Isaiah told. His phone rang once again and he hung up. He sighed but his phone vibrated notifying him that there was a message. He switched off his phone not wanting to be annoyed again. Sky frowned. Who made his alpha this annoyed? He didn't want to ask Isaiah and make him mad again. He believed that his alpha would tell him if it's important. They reached the pack house and Sky literally had to pull Kai away from Aidan. Poor guy was flushed red because of the kiss. He just chuckled seeing his friend's mate's situation. They all walked inside but Isaiah stopped on his track.
"Umm i need to complete something. So you guys go ahead."
Sky pouted that his alpha was busy. Isaiah kissed his forehead which made Sky beam with a smile.
"Don't wait up for me. Hmm?"
Sky just nodded and stood on his toes to peck Isaiah on his lips. He took Kai's hand and walked to the nursery.
Sky just showered and was drying his hair with a towel. Their bedroom door opened and the scent of cedarwood filled the room. Sky smiled knowing that his alpha was back. He heard small footsteps and soon he was in a tight hug. Isaiah brought his nose to sky's scent gland and rubbed on it. His alpha was scenting him. It had him and his omega purring. But his bubble was popped when he noticed the faint scent of jasmine. This was the second time. Was he seeing Evelyn? Goddess what would he do if his alpha loves her? He realized that he was falling in love with his alpha. Now if he finds out that Isaiah doesn't love him he would be heartbroken.
"I'll shower and join you in bed soon."
Isaiah said before  giving lick to his scent gland and made his way to the bathroom. Sky stood there for a few minutes and slowly made his walked to the bed. He got inside the comforter and closed his eyes. Sleep wasn't coming to him easy so he just lay there thinking of what to do when he gets heartbroken. Soon a warmth engulfed his body. He was pulled towards Isaiah's chest. Isaiah kissed his head mumbling a good night. Sky could hear soft snores coming from Isaiah meaning he was asleep. Soon he was also lulled to sleep hearing his mates heartbeat.
Sky woke up feeling thirsty. The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was, the other side of the bed was empty. He looked around and saw light coming from the bathroom. He slowly walked, not making a noise until he was in front of the door. He could hear Isaiah's voice, though not loud. He was talking to someone on his phone.
"Look Evelyn..."
Sky's heart was racing. He wanted to stop listening and go back to his bed. But his mind said otherwise.
"Fine! Come to my office tomorrow. And make sure no one sees you."
What? Sky couldn't think anything else. His eyes filled with tears. He quickly got to his bedside and got inside the comforter before Isaiah came back. He will go to his alpha's  office tomorrow. He needed to see what business he has with his ex girlfriend.
         Morning came and Sky couldn't get anymore anxious. Isaiah asked him so many times the reason for his anxious scent and he just shrugged it off saying he was tired. He spent his time in the nursery and met with some of the pack members who came to him with small problems. It was noon and he knew his alpha would be alone in his office right now. And it would be a great time to meet Evelyn. Sky decided he would go there and check for himself. He made his way to the floor where the office is. Each step feeling heavier and his heart beating fast. He didn't know when he reached the office. He was face to face with door. He took a deep breath trying to calm his beating heart. Oh. Jasmine. So they're inside. His eyes filled with tears. He bit his lips not wanting to let them hear his sobs. He slowly opened the door. And there was his mate, the guy he fell in love with, holding another woman in his hands. Evelyn had her hands around Isaiah's neck and he had his hands pressed against her stomach. The sudden presence of another made them both look at Sky. Isaiah looked at Sky with wide eyes and Evelyn had that smirk on her stupid face. Isaiah quickly pushed away from him and started walking towards him.
"Sky, baby i can explain."
Sky raised his hand making Isaiah stop in his tracks. Just then Evelyn walked forward and stood beside Isaiah, she put her hand on his shoulder.
"Poor Sky, didn't know you would come here."
That just made Sky cry harder. His bitter scent filling the room.
"Get out."
Evelyn looked at Isaiah confused.
"I said get out."
Isaiah growled, scent becoming spicier with anger. She huffed and walked towards the door.
"And Sky don't tell me i didn't warn you. I told you to prepare for a heartbreak."
She smirked at his face and left the room leaving the couple alone. It was quite except for Sky's sniffles and hiccups.
Isaiah moved forward wanting to comfort his distressed omega. But Sky just flinched back like he was disgusted by his touch. His action made Isaiah and his wolf howl in rejection.
"I should have known that you would always choose her over me. I should have known that i was always the second choice."
Sky sobbed, his face a mess.
"Tell me Isaiah, do you love her?"
Isaiah was shocked to hear that question. Did he love her? No. He thinks he had never loved her even when they were dating. Did he love Sky? Oh hell yes! But he never got to express or tell that to him. Isaiah was broken from his thoughts when he heard a loud sob.
"Your silence gave me the answer to my question. I can't believe i loved you who don't even love me back. I ne-need space. I'll take my leave now. Alpha."
With that Sky left the office. Isaiah was stuck to the spot where he was standing. Sky thought he loved Evelyn because he was silent. Goddess. He was stupid. And did he just say that he loved Isaiah? He's pretty much sure he heard it. He'll leave his omega alone for now. Then he'll explain everything to him and tell him he loves him back. Isaiah rubbed his face with his hands and sat down on his chair. He shouldn't have agreed to meet Evelyn. After her release she came to his office begging him to take her back. But he refused her saying he doesn't have the same feelings towards her while they were dating. He thought everything was over when he told her to leave him alone,but no. She started calling him nonstop. And when he didn't attend her call she would message him. She even went to the lengths of following him everywhere . And today she even tried to hug him. But to his bad luck Sky came the same moment he was about to push her away.
"May i come in? L"
Isaiah sat straight in his chair. Alexander came inside with some files.
"Oh. Hey Alex "
Isaiah stood up from his chair and went around to hug Alexander.
"How's my brother?"
Isaiah knew his brother was spoiled by his alpha. And since he was pregnant he would be given VVIP treatment. He just asked to keep up the conversation.
"He's fine. Actually he's great."
Alexander said sitting down on a chair opposite Isaiah's.
"No offense i love your brother. But ever since he's been pregnant he'd been having weird food cravings. Goddess sometimes i feel like throwing up. But the worst thing is his mood swings. One minute he's crying and the next he's laughing."
Isaiah just chuckled at hearing about his brother.
"I've been dealing with the same shit. For the past few days i had to see Sky try 10 different types of weird food combos. And he literally teared up when i refused to eat his shit. Can you believe it?"
Isaiah laughed thinking about his omega. He looked up when he heard no reaction from Alexander. He was looking at him with shocked expression.
Isaiah asked. Alexander only raised his eyebrow. Shit. Then it hit him. Was Sky pregnant? He had been behaving funny for the last few days. He got up from his seat pocketing his phone.
"I'll talk to you later Alex."
Alex just nodded but he called Isaiah when he was about to leave the room.
"Hey Isaiah. Don't, just don't stress. Ok?"
With that he left his office. He called Sky only to be directed to voicemail. He checked the nursery, the kitchen, the pack grounds,. Sky was nowhere to be seen. What about his house? Sky must have went there to meet his parents. He quickly got inside his car and drove towards his parents house. He hoped that Sky would let him explain and clear everything between them.

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