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In order to coax Yu Antong, Xing Lixuan gave different flowers every day.

Yu Antong put the flowers together, and arranged them with the mother Xing and the others.

Xing's mother called Xingyin and Yu Annan together, Xingyin said: "I don't have the leisure to play with this, you can do it, I will not participate."

Yu Annan was very interested, she looked at Yu Antong's skillful movements, and said in surprise "Brother, do you still know how to arrange flowers?"

"I had nothing to do before." Yu Antong took out a daffodils, measured the height, cut off two finger-long stems, and put them in a vase. Level, if you want to learn, let your mother teach you."

Yu Annan thought that what his brother said was the time after he came to Xing's house, and Xing's mother thought that what Yu Antong said was when he was in Yu's house, and did not find anything wrong.

Xing's mother smiled and said, "Tongtong, I don't think I'm as pretty as you. If you're half-baked, then I'll just stop it."

Xing's mother's colors are all calm and elegant, not as bright as Yu Antong's. With bright eyes, Yu Antong said: "Our two works have their own strengths and weaknesses. Yours is a decent and elegant one and is suitable for placing in the conference room to upgrade the grade. As for mine, it is suitable for a pleasant mood by your side."

" You are the best at talking." Xing's mother pursed her lips and smiled when Yu Antong said it.

The three discussed with each other, and finally put the finished product on the table.

"Flowers, blooming flowers!" Little Judy came down from the upstairs room and saw those beautiful flowers at a glance.

At first, she was still cautiously and gently stroking the petals, and from time to time, she leaned in and sniffed it with her small nose.

Yu Antong took out her mobile phone and took a few photos of her. The picture of the milky little girl sniffing roses with her eyes closed was so beautiful that Yu Antong had the illusion that little Judy was not so devilish.

Who knows how hard he went to drink a glass of water, if he didn't watch it, the little devil bald all the flowers in a blink of an eye.

The little devil held a large handful of petals in his hand and threw them into the sky, and then stood at the bottom and circled around to pick up the petals, giggling so happily that he was dying of beauty, feeling like a little fairy.

Yu Antong has no temper with her at all, the bear is a real bear, and cute is also really cute.

Fortunately, the little devil was finally flown back to the United States by her parents after destroying all his flowers.

"Uncle, auntie goodbye!" When leaving, Zhu Di reluctantly hugged the little pig lantern that Yu Antong gave her, and said crisply, "Brother Tongtong, I will miss you too!"

Yu Antong waved to her: "I will miss you too". 

After Xingyin's family left, Yu Annan also went home and said that he would go back to study.

The carpet in the house was ruined by Judy and was replaced with a new one.

"Xing Lixuan, you are a big liar!"

After paying New Year's greetings with various relatives of the Xing family, Yu Antong counted the money cross-legged for a long time, and found that although he received a lot of red envelopes, he also distributed a lot of red envelopes to children. All in all, basically flat.

Yu Antong angrily beat Xing Li Xuan: "Look, there is no money left at all!"

Xing Li Xuan also forgot about this, he was flipping through the story book to tell his son a story, look at the book in his hand , he said anxiously and wisely: "It's okay, after Xiao Nian is born, ask them for some money, and let my son help you earn money."

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