Look up at the stars

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Mrinalini was ten when her father took her to the nearby woods to explore for the first time. She remembered how she would spend all her time there, her little feet clad with anklets. The clinking sounds that they made felt like her own heartbeat ,Steady and familiar.

The third time she went there, her instincts somehow found out the grassy path that lead her to a beautiful meadow. It was tucked away like a hidden gem.

As if she was a wood nymph basking in the sun.

And once when she stayed far too long, in those momentary stances before dusk. She found an injured doe, gazing at her with gentle eyes, the sound of her music box that her father gave her playing it's mellow tune behind.

Mrinalini did her best to heal the doe and when she visited the place again, she was greeted with it's gentle touch. Almost like the universe acknowledging her kind and profound heart.

She still remembered how it felt to be the one that healed, how it felt to be the one taking an outstretched hand, to be the one who's in the receiving end of pure love.

His coffee brown eyes gazed at her wordlessly, his eyes pulling her closer and closer until he and her were the same. Avyay's tattered fingers outlined her face, as if he measured the entirety of her beauty with music.

Something so limitless and magical.

His eyes reminded her of something. Or rather someone.

Her father had the habit of painting, her brain remembered the only canvas that was left unfinished in thier storage room.

The colours in his eyes felt like the missing pieces of her father's art, his love felt like the missing aspects of her life that are now glued together. Ananya closed her eyes and opened them again to find him gazing at her, she looked up at him just like the way she would look up at the stars.

His harsh bristles brushed her eyes as he left raindrops as his kisses, her cheeks flushing pink at the contact of his supple lips on her.

And her eyes took a double take yet again, seeing the same love that resided in her father's eyes, in his art.

Her rosy cheeks,
Wide innocent eyes,
Millions of stars seemed to blink to life when he looked at her,

"Ennadi apdi paakara? " He said, helping her stand on his toes, gathering her closer by her waist.

"I see stars in your eyes" She told him, dreamily. Her plump lips broke into sweet sounding giggles,

And she felt it again, the milkey way swirled with blues and purples until they turned into a dark shade of the brown of his eyes.

"I see - I   she stuttered again, unable to express anything. Avyay's eyes softened again,

Mrinalini clutched his collar closer, breathing with him, her eyes moistened feeling the love again and again. This felt different, this felt foreign.

Almost like a mother's love.
Something that she had never felt before.

She remembered her father again.

He taught her about the stars, and how each of those heavenly bodies have a story and how they were placed there by immortals.

He was the one who hugged her when she got her first period. Until he dismissed himself when a neighbour came up to detail her about everything else that followed.

He taught her that being a girl was powerful.

He taught her to be kind above all else and love every human no matter who they are.

He would paint in the same room she danced but he had never complained about the loud noises of her anklets.

She had never been good at drawing or painting, but he had the habit of hanging up her messy drawings in his bedroom.

He gave her , her first salangai

How she had playfully told her father that she wanted someone who would be five meters and eleven inches just so she can rest her head on thier heart, Just like she did with him.

"Enna yosikria , Mili ma? " He kissed her nose again, seeing her deep in thought.

His rough beared tickled her again, causing her to chuckle and squirm in his arms.

Ipdila siricha you will see stars with your eyes closed " He told her, eyes turning dark and passionate,

She bit her lips again wetting them softly, inviting his warm ones. She felt the overwhelming sensations that happen between creation and destruction yet again as she kissed him back. Hard and flawless, clutching his sift hair as her mewls muffled in his loving kisses.

Some pretend to be the moonlight. Some themselves are the moon.

The room was quite except the occasional twitters of the birds that flew around. The soft notes of Fur elise echoed in the lonely room as those sculpted fingers played them.

Abhimanyu closed his eyes, playing with the notes, teasing them, catching them again before he let them run again. A small smile displayed on his curled lips as the emotions subtly went from peace to despair.

He felt a gentle presence beside him when a flowery fragrance teased his senses.

"Oh..you're here" He told her, gazing at her hand that was resting on his strong shoulders.

" I came here to hear you play" Swasthika told him, closing her eyes, her left fingers caressed the piano keys , tracing his perfectly trimmed nails in the process.

"Do you know how to play? " He asked her, his fingers raising up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ears as he scooted to enable her a place to sit

"Konjam! " She told him, showing him how much with her fingers.

He didn't say anything else but stood up gently, gesturing her to play as he sat down on her other side.

She played a few basic chords which made him shake his head and smile.

"Shall- erm. Shall I teach you something? " His doubtful eyes made her giggle again.

This man was cuteness personified, she thought.

Abhimanyu stood up again, moving to stand behind her, helping her with the chords. Her insides shivered feeling his soft breaths colliding with her cold jhumkas.

"Am- am I learning it right? " She asked him, her heart urging her to lean back on him.

Abhimanyu on the other side clutched the bench hard, as he breathed hard into her hair.

"Is this -oh-  Swasthika turned around suddenly, her lips almost touching his due to the sudden contact. Abhimanyu raved a breath again seeing her this close. All of his gentlemanly instincts were questioned in that very moment.

A moment passed and Swasthika smiled at him, assuring him that everything was okay. Abhimanyu bobbed his nose against hers as he took in the feeling.

The note is still yet to be finished.


Hey guys!
This chapter has a very personal connection in it! Hope you'd like it!

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