Chapter 2. Exposed

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Davids POV:
I woke up to the warm sunlight leaking from my blinds. My eyes half opened as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I tried to remember what I was dreaming. But for some reason Exer came to my mind. UGH! I literally just woke up and I'm already thinking about him. I heard some movement right next to my bed. I flinched but remembered that Exer slept the night. Which reminded me of the situation last night... Embarrassing.

"Exer? Are you awake." I whispered. I looked at the time. Damn! It's already 11am. The sleeping bag moved a bit with Exers hair poking out of it. I sighed and got up to wake him up.

"Dude it's late. Wake up-" I moved the sleeping bag down from his face and down to his chest. Only to realize that he was shirtless. My bare hands touched his warm chest. I could feel his abs. I turned so red that I thought I was going to pass out. Exer then woke up. I quickly moved my hands away and grinned a bit awkwardly.

"Damn what time is it." He asked. His voice sounded sleepy. Which I thought was cute.

"11am heh..." I replied back. My face was still steaming hot. I just couldn't stop looking. Exer started to realize this.

"Uh earth to David?" I finally took my eyes off and quickly got up.

"Um heh.. I'll just go brush my teeth." I went out the door and to the bathroom. I turned on the lights and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. 'What is wrong with me?'

Exers POV

As David goes to the bathroom (strangely) I got out of the sleeping bag and put it away. I got my shirt on before anyone comes in and wondered about David. Ever since I showed my powers he's been acting strange. Or now that I think about it. He started acting strange out of no where. He would blush or stutter sometimes when we hanged out. Also, that question that he asked me. It was unexpected for him to ask. But maybe I'm overreacting, right? I heard the door open as David came in.

"So... what should we do." David asked.

"I don't know." I said. I thought of somewhere to go eat. I was pretty hungry right now. Then, an idea came to my mind.

"Why don't we go to that ice cream place we went when we were in middle school?" I suggested. David's face lit up when he remembered what place I'm talking about.

"Oh yeah! We could go there." He said smiling. I smiled back. I love seeing my friend happy.

-Time skip-

David's POV:

Exer and I walked out of the ice cream shop. The bell made a jingle sound as we headed out. The park was across the street. Only a mother and her son were in the park. We decided we should go to the swings.

"It's been awhile since I've tasted this ice cream." Exer licked his chocolate ice cream. The sweet treat dripping into his mouth.

"I forgot how delicious this was." I licked my own ice cream. It was raspberry flavored. We both swinged softly, eating our ice cream and talking. Remembering the times we would come to this park. It sort of felt like a... date.

Hopefully he'll feel the same...

Total words: 570

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