Chapter 2 ~ Work This Out

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A/N Hope you Enjoy!

Eleven had an idea. She would spy on Max. Make sure everything was ok behind the walls. She grabbed a blindfold and turned to stereo on. The static noise she so fondly remembered rang out. El prepared to see anything. Any glimpse of darkness.

The void was cold. Empty. El saw her. She was in tears. Max was in a ball crying her eyes out. El leaned down to fully be close to the girl. El touched her hand. Max stopped crying. She looked up. "Max". The word echoed in the void. Max looked straight through El. The Brunette looked down and saw a letter in her hand. A letter with Els name on. Max looked down at it. "Why did you let her leave Max? Damn it". She slapped her self. Punched herself.

Eleven ripped the blindfold off her face. Max wasn't mad at her. She was mad at herself. For not calling. For not writing. El grabbed her radio. She radioed anyone. No one was there. She was now bored and the one person she used to run to was crying alone and doesn't want to talk to her. She decided to try Max. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope that she would answer.

"What?" Max shouted. Eleven realised that she picked up and froze up. "H-hi". Max breathed heavily. "Oh it's you". Max scoffed. "Yeah it's me". There was silence. "What do you want?" El didn't know how to answer. She didn't even know. "I want to hang out like before". Max laughed. "Well I told you. I don't want to talk to you". El looked sad. "Please Max. One hour that's all". Max didn't answer. "Max?" The girl on the other end finally answered. "Fine but I choose where we are going. No talking. You wanted to hang that's what we will do". El smiled. "I'll see you in 30 mins".

Max got up and threw the radio on to her bed. She looked back at that letter. That stupid letter that she wrote. There was Els only letter from California. And then there's a letter she never sent. Minus the two she did. It was the letter she was supposed to give to her when Vecna was near. The same ones as Lucas and Dustin. Even her mom. She picked it up. Her name was in neat handwriting for Max. She put it in her bag just in case things went in one direction. She grabbed her board and skated all the way to Hoppers cabin.

She knocked. Mike answered. "Oh Max hey". He said. Max frowned. "What are you doing here?" Mike looked offended. "I'm here for Will. I'm guessing you are here for El". She smiled. "I haven't seen you for ages". Mike smiled waiting for El. "That's the point of avoiding people Mike". He looked at her and then called El. She ran to the door. Max was there arms folded. El wore a shirt Max recognised. "Where'd you get that shirt?" El looked at it. "I don't really remember. I found it in my old room". Max but her lip. The girls began walking. Hopper ran outside. "Want a lift?" The pair looked at each other.

They arrived at a small place near the outskirts of Hawkins. It was a restaurant like thing. A diner. They walked in and grabbed a booth. "This is cool". Max faked smiled. "I'll go get us food". Max got up to the counter and finally breathed. It was suffocating. El breathed too. There was a lot of emotions flying around. Max looked over at El. "I'm going to pee. I've ordered". Eleven nodded. El saw a letter in Max's bag. Max was gone and El was worried about her. She reached over and it had her name on. El opened it carefully. The handwriting was neat.

Dear El,
I know you aren't reading this yet. But you will someday. I hope. I blame myself for Billy's death. It's painful. But you saved him and I guess that is what kept me from doing something stupid. When you left for Cali I felt so afraid. My superhero left and I had to fight away the demons. There is another reason why I was afraid. I realised that maybe I liked you. As more than friends. But is in the past. Not anymore. I was afraid you would replace me as with some girl who was blonde and had a bunch of annoying friends. When I first met you I felt I finally had someone that would understand me. When I wrote this Vecna was ready for me. So you will either see this when I'm gone. Or I will pluck up the courage to do it myself.

El processed what she just read. Max came back and saw it. "Where did you get that?" El pointed at the bag. "You couldn't even give this to me when I was away. I left and you almost died". Max fidgeted. El got up and Max looked down. El walked to the girl and hugged her. Max smiled. She finally felt warm. "You liked me?" El quickly added. Max shrugged. "I guess. Maybe that's why I broke up with Lucas so many times. To forget about it". El didn't know what she meant. The food arrived and the girls ate. When they finished they walked and talked. They even shared a laugh or two. But when they reached the outskirts of Hopper's cabin Max returned to the shell she hides in.

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