Chapter 3 ~ Hide Away

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A/N Enjoy!

Max hid away. Her room was her fortress. She had just let her friend find out she had a crush on her. Crap. She hid in her blanket. Her mother tried bringing her food. El even called. No answering. It was a void. Did Eleven hate her? Did she wreck the friendship? Are they friends again? It was a wave of confusion. El had just come home. And now she had that weight pressing her down. She ate cereal 24/7.
Pyjamas that were days old. Hair in a messy ponytail. She heard a knock.Her mother spoke and eventually walked through to Max. She knocked.

"Max. A friend is here". Max nodded. She got up and stood at the door. She expected Lucas or Dustin to be standing there. It wasn't it was El. "Hi. You didn't answer the phone so I wanted to make sure you were ok?" Max covered herself. "Why?" El looked hopeful. "Because of the letter. You seemed depressed". Max laughed. Eleven didn't understand. "That's a big word". Eleven smiled. "I'm getting better". Max loosened up a bit. "I also wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today? See a movie or I don't know go to a secret hiding spot". Max smiled. "How about we go skateboarding?" El looked confused. "I don't know how". Max laughed. "That's why I will teach you. You can wait in there while I change if you want". El nodded.

Max's mother smiled at Eleven who sat down on the sofa. "Want anything to eat or drink?" She asked. Max walked off. Eleven shook her head. Max entered her safe haven. She picked out a blue shirt with a buttoned navy one over the top. She grabbed converse and jeans. She searched under bed for the spare skateboard she owned. She found a helmet. She smiled. She ran out to El being smothered by her mother. "Mom leave her be. Ready?" El smiled nervously.

"Here we are". They arrived under a bridge. Graffiti everywhere. El looked over at Max with her helmet almost on. Max laughed as El was trying to figure out how to ride. "El put your foot there. And push with that. Look at something and keep contact". They girls helped each other. El eventually managed to ride without falling. Max held her hands and dragged her along. "You got the balance down!" Max cried. El stared at her and smiled. El felt safe within Max's grip. They stared at each other. Max broke away first.

"Hungry?" Max asked. El nodded. She pulled her bag over to her and sat down. She grabbed a bag of cookies. "Here". They both sat down. El smiled. "How long did you like me?" El randomly asked. "Why?" Max smirked. "I'm just curious". Eleven laughed. "I don't know. Probably since you stayed over my house. Until you left". El nodded. Max looked away. "What is this place by the way?" El laughed. Max smiled and giggled. "It's my hide away. Don't go telling anyone about this. Even though you are a superhero I will crush you". She made a weird evil voice at the end of the sentence which made El laugh. The girls stared at each other. Max bit her lip and got up. "I'm going to practice. Ready?" El shook her head and Max walked off. El watched her jump and skate effortlessly.

"I'll walk you home". Max said. El smiled. The pair walked in silence. The evening closing in. Sun setting. "Wanna play a game?" El asked. Max looked confused. "I'm bored". Max smirked. "You know what truth or dare is?" El shook her head. "Ok so I will ask you truth or dare and you pick one. Truth I ask you a question and you have to answer or dare and I dare you to do something. And then you ask me. Make sense?" El nodded. "Truth of dare?" El asked. "Dare". El looked around. "Do a jump off the bins". Max laughed. She ran over and immediately did it. El laughed. "Ok ok. Truth or dare?" El thought. "Truth". Max nodded. "You still like Mike?" El smiled. "No he is happy without me. I am happier without him. Also if I was with him now we wouldn't have hung out again". Max smiled. Her cheeks went slightly red.

"Do you think you can make it the rest of the way?" Max asked. She was standing on the outskirts of the Cabin. "Yeah. Bye Max". They waved. El did something weird. She went and hugged her. Max smirked. "Bye Eleven". Max skated away. El had a weird feeling. Butterflies. Why? She hugged her best friend. Why did she feel weird?

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